[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


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Ah, yeah. It’s torture.
Like, maybe a select individuals are fine with it, but I am most definitely too weak to handle the burden of what that guy can do.


VOTE: Choice A

I do think that even if you refuse to vote A, you at least vote B

Don’t let em outpace you

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Makes sense. Except I’m human. Humans make no sense.

I honor Litten in this game. I won’t vote at all.

If other Barons vote anything, then so be it. I won’t vote.


counts have 8 authority
they need 5
i think they can spare a little to bleed

You know what? I think the Grandees are right. There is no reason to spite them by not choosing a path that can help them when I do believe we have enough to spare.

VOTE: Choice A

I believe this is the best for both of us. And once we’re done with our scheme, it’s probably better Eliza’s authority isn’t too high. We can spare a bit, in my opinion.

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I have a feeling Count Litten will not like this path, but he has had his way for long enough. Funny, that as much as the Grandees seem to despise me, it is always I who ends up advocating working with them.

angry litten noises

We can spare a little bit. This is mutually beneficial. Our scheme goes on as planned, and the Grandees get closer to theirs. The barons are unaffected. The only one who really “loses” is eliza, who does not have the option to veto. So she can cope and seethe, as the youth like to say.

I know that if we wish to acheive ascension it is necessary to ensure the monarch has power. I understand that. But we cannot let her get too powerful, else she slip away from our grasp and use this newfound authority over the kingdom against us.

I may spit in the faces of Grandees, a trait I am certain has made me a true villain in their eyes. I cannot change that, nor do I wish to. But never, ever, would I forgo a mutually beneficial arrangement out of spite. It’s simply iillogical. I choose to hurt with words, not actions.

Litten will be posting the event on the 13th because I am away that day

he has been instructed to not base any decisions off of it and not mention it, etc etc etc, and will not be given any outcomes to the event, to prevent angleshooting and all that

good luck


Why didn’t you get someone from outside the game to post it?

because litten was the first person that came to mind

are you volunteering

Do you need a volunteer?

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not really
i trust litten

others may not trust me which probably means you just get magnus
like I know I won’t cheat but it’s also easier if I have no hand in it


eh fair

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I have been accused of committing regicide in the past and usurping power, you probably don’t want me.