[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I mean I won first chance because I was doing an auth/military based run, and my auth was 9 and everyone just kept raising their own military anyways even when they couldn’t rebel

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ah lmao

counts are objectively the best region btw change my mind

like in terms of flavor

Both in this game and in terms of flavor, counts are the best

sad we didnt see patricians though i like the patricians flavor

yeah the patricians won my last game so naturaly we can’t have them here

also the Patrician’s schemes kinda suck ngl

Yeah but what’d the Chiefs do

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i used to think the Barons are the most boring region but their schemes are really good, besides Modernization

cheifs have one really easy scheme ngl (the one I just played with), the dude who was the cheifs ragequit at the end tho because I was gonna win my ambition :wowee:

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if it hadn’t been for the fact i felt like i needed variety i might’ve done Chiefs instead of Barons


was it Ragnarok

Ragnarok is stupidly easy

idr, but it was one where they had to raise auth then lower faith below 4, but their starting faith is ZERO so that 2nd scheme was literally a gimme

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then at the end he willingly chose to raise own farming while the grandees still had the scheme to lower farming, leaving them to squabble all game and me to just win. He tried to rebel at the end but, well, 9 auth :wowee:

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ah yeah no as mentioned that one’s probably the easiest goal in the game

i think that’s Prophecy

either way I think my friends arent gonna play kotc with me anymore because “monarch is OP” tho I say thats just a skill issue

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monarch isn’t OP if you keep them in check

which is to say we should work with the Grandees and vote Choice A because someone needs to keep the f’n monarch in check lol

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