[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

because auth is also her ambition lol and if she chooses something like farming as her other ambition (idk if you can do this but still) it’s ez win

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Eliza with 8 auth:

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they should see 1.0 monarch

they had a law that was literally entirely cosmetic
also in a 4p Monarch’s Vote is kinda OP but

in a 5p with balanced solo noble votes not so much

i house ruled away monarch vote, call for unity, and chose reverse votes over golden choice just bc I knew it’d be more fun

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ah fair

still won with that?

the first 3 schemes were

Raise auth
Raise auth
Raise stability

right after I absolutely swept them as monarch

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also the 2 auth guys voted my iron choice vote almost every time so not only did I get to basically choose the outcome of the vote, I got +1 auth every other vote

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okay that is just a skill issue

i love this image from my first kotc game in nerdcord

that is nothing



also no call for unity throughout whole match

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we love Iron Choice

ok so ur players were just throwing got it

that was stabil i posted the screesnhot earlier :wowee:

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