[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I shall be… the Baron King!


In my case I just talk assuming the other Barons knew of our conversation. In hindsight, I have a feeling they didn’t exactly care. Heck, maybe they just thought the stuff I was talking about was spoken in public. I most certainly did not see anyone bothering to factcheck me.

Barons will do our best o7

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Can I migrate

Why are there so many outsiders in town? :wowee:

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We require harpies

Would Alchemist harpies count?

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I’d be down to play kotc 2 btw

baron wilhelm marzipan the second, the third, and the fourth want revenge for their brother


Do you allow me to migrate to your lands

Ask zone or eliza

I’d be down though

@ElizaThePsycho May I please migrate to the baron-country

Litten certainly loved to play all sides and broker his way to the top.

I can’t wait to show him how weak he is without the might of the Counts behind him

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Ohhh what is this. Inner-faction fighting?

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ill rebalance stuff when version 2 begins

Coming soon in cinemas

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Litten likes to position himself as some sort of multi-factioned diplomat. Soon it will be time for someone of Pure count blood to take the throne

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Eliza r u gonna host still and litten is just monarch or are you gonna join a region

litten is just monarch

im still hosting

id totally join a region but that means I have to be not-neutral