[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Doesn’t know what

Secret or Gold

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Or both

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Probably both, but I only know of :coin:.

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Never told marshal about secret idk about gold

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What gold?

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Here are the 2 messages my past self deemed worthy of a bookmark to like

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that catbae one is so gold lmfao

the chat with me you and Zone

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the catbae one?


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the one that catbae said was certified funny

yeah never that either

King of the Castle 2: Litten is King Poll

Would you like to carry over the ending region stats from this game to the next, or would you like to reset them?

Resetting them will not do anything else (Litten will still be King and all that), but it may be more balanced.

(Note that Authority, Stability, and Treasury will not carry over regardless, but Wealth will always carry over)

Should the stats from this game carry over?
  • Carry them over!
  • Reset them!

0 voters


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sorry id like to drop out if thats alright, unsure if i can invest the time. you all have fun though, and thanks for hosting eliza ^-^

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that’s fine

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its not for like a month anyways

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depending on how the queue goes and how quickly i do things

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i’ll proabably drop to. apologies

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rip all the barons