[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

i trust in he judgment of my fellow counts

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Remember if dirt hits the fan. You can migrate in the Southern Grande.

Only if Eliza allows it. But we can pretend it happens lorewise!!!

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As the conduit of the 5th sin, all of these options are antithetical to my goals.

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Eliza didn’t like this post… It’s jover…

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pretending you’re anything special, Count heretic

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i hate to break it to ya but the Fifth God got burned and his ashes sprouted demons that now serve the Seventh God


all of the Counts are cats or cat-likers

Queen, may I propose we banish cats from this kingdom?

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4 nobles voted for…

A : Gunpowder. (Goal: Lower Authority)

Votes: Zone, Hazardwaste, Icet, Squirrel

The Republic of Kirth has this substance called “gunpowder”. With enough of that, the Barons could take over the Kingdom! Of course, a sensible Monarch would never allow one region to hoard such a thing. To do so secretly, the Barons must ensure their trading partners don’t fear the Monarch’s wrath. To advance their scheme, the Barons must lower Authority to 4 or less in 2 seasons.


next event incoming as soon as i update the gamestate

what is this gunpowder you speak of


Wanna smell it?

somehow I think that is a poor idea

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Hmmm, I don’t know what this does exactly. Lower Authority? Doesn’t it make it harder to scheme?


Kingdom Stats Authority :crown: Stability Treasury
4 (Barons :white_check_mark:) 6 3000
Region Stats Trade Farming Millitary Faith Defiance
Count Stats 6 7 6 4 (Counts :white_check_mark:) 1
Grandee Stats 6 6 4 7 (Grandees :white_check_mark:) 1
Baron Stats 5 5 6 6 1
Player Wealth
@IcetFeelsPain 1000
@Hazardwaste 1000
@Zone_Q11 1000
@Moll 1000
@Squirrel2412 1000
@crazynuto 1000
@Jane 1000
@tutuu 1000
@JakeTheWolfie 250
@catbae 1000
@Marshal 1000
@Litten 1000
@sulit 1000
@Kiiruma 1000
@Amelia 1000
@guavagudetama 1000
@Silviu200530 1000
@italy 1000
@YoubutWorse 1000
@Daeron 1000

A Dangerous Cult

Archbishop: There’s a wild cult at large in the East. They claim to have found the arm of a dead god. A collosal limb that moves under it’s own power, tall as five men, long as ten horses, clad in shining steel. This heresy cannot stand!

Vote: How should we handle the cult in the east?

A: Summon the High Inquisitor to break this cult. (-Stability)
Votes: Zone, Squirrel, Icet,
B: Discreetly dispatch a spy to find out more.
Votes: Kiiruma, Silviu,Italy,
C: Wait and see, these things usually die by themselves. (+Defiance, -Faith)
Votes: Eliza, Litten, tutuu, Jane, Marshal, Amelia, YBW, sulit, catbae, Daeron,

I’m pretty sure cults don’t just die out.

This one is pretty easy for everyone, + defiance benefits everyone besides grandee, because you never know when your scheme will fail:

/vote c

and this is why you are a count heretic

The cultitten conspiracy