[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

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grandee you fool, only the Sixth god slew another, thinking himself allied with the Ninth, until the Ninth betrayed him
you should know this as a Grandee

Ye hath lithle faith. I shall mend what hath been broken, or replace what hath been eradicated.

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The Sixth God was afraid the ancient prophecy would be fulfilled and Seven ate Nine. They had no choice


it is a re-telling of when I was a mere child and had no idea about all of this.

I expect the barons to have similar levels of knowledge to a child


also if anyone DARES even MENTION the EXISTENCE of the Ashmedean God, i will personally behead you



How come the grandees aren’t supporting you here

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Ohhhh factional fighting.

I wonder is this like an empire with 3 kingdoms and everyone has their autonomy?

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they are dealing with other matters, we are very busy you know

ehhh kind of

maybe if you’d stop with the evil laughter every time i accept something from you


The Autonomous Regions of China:tm:

Ninth god worshippers when the 69th god shows up


it’s just as unstable too

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Monotheism is for losers. What if the main God isn’t doing their duty???

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God forbid women have hobbies


are we sure this is who we want on the thr-I mean who represents us

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Grandees pride themselves on honor, yes?

If I were to show you proof that once of your members is a heretic, what would you do?