[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Playful whistle

that’s heresy

monarch only has 4000 gold?
What a loser

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God: “Et dere shalt be no elf”

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actually i have 3000 :blush:

heresy? Mmm chomcolete

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there’s whispers that it’s SUPPOSED to forbid selfishness
these are just rumours tho, no credence to them

Archbishop of the ninth, I believe that sending a spy to investigate further would be ideal.

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I guess we should go full Religious Witness mode and think our morality system up!

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What do you mean that sound very flimsy and easily abusable?

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/vote C @ElizaThePsycho

C for counts



We almost have majority hype

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3 more votes

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Remaining counts and grandees, let us hammer C together.

Barons, if you like “seeing what the next thing is” I suggest you do the same as well.


this is very slanderous litten you can clearly see by my statistics i have 0 likes

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i’m not entirely sure if i’m okay with accepting this but more importantly i’m not okay if i’m sure with yielding to the queen’s authority give me a second

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@ElizaThePsycho real quick what do you think about the ninth god

he gives me the divine right to rule of course i like him


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