[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


hey google how long is the short term memory of a squirrel

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(Short term or long term?)

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i can’t imagine any of the knives in your back are going into the long term storage bank


(My short term memory is great)

(Long term, not so much)

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(You forget that short term for a human is probably long term for a squirrel)

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@ElizaThePsycho /vote A

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/vote B @ElizaThePsycho
no particular reason i just feel like there hasn’t been enough fighting and want to start shit

2 more votes from @Moll and @Daeron

wait nvm i miscounted

vote anyways

everyone, our Monarch is unfit to rule. She demonstrates a lack of understanding of basic arithmetics


Average FoLer moment

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SMH it’s locked regardless unles ppl change their votes

Can we just hammer c so we can do next phase before Eliza’s bedtime :wowee:


is it?


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I mean no matter what Moll and Darren Vote, c is gonna win, unless a C voter changes off.

Also incidentally, Daeron said he’s voting the same as Amelia who is voting C but even if that weren’t true it’s still a C sweep

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omg ingenius

I have a solution