[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I am doubtful our people would be angry at this course of action.

I completely agree.

Hides nightshade poison

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i think everyone would be pissed at this course of action


the counts are on a speedrun to rebel by the end of the first year



do ChoiceC
now you’re voting catbae

VOTE: Choice C

Well then I will support a trial, if only as a courtesy to the young Catbae II. The senior Catbae father was a bit of an idiot, and bound to fall to a situation like this at some point. but this young prodigy seems to command much more respect.

Hopefully justice will be served. We will see.


If we do a trial, who is holding the trial?

How can we ensure a fair and impartial trial.

the Chancellor

we’re in a KINGDOM who do you think


Our Queen will host it.

Which family was he from?

idk he’s my advisor

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And unlike the feisty Count Litten, I am not so eager to let something like this slide.

You want a trial, Grandees? By the Ninth God you can have it.

VOTE: Choice A

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Catbae’s father owed me five dollars so can I show up as a witness testifying this fact and only that fact

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i love the little swear words the regions use in their region specifically
like the patrician’s “Depths Below!”
and the Count’s "Blood and stars!:

i dunno but every time he says something he turns around and starts rubbing his hands while a shadow casts down on him it’s kinda creepy


no im fairly certain the Chancellor or High Inquisitor would hold it

Ninth God have mercy if it’s the latter

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