[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I appreciate your eagerness for justice, Countess Marshal, but I’m afraid you’re going to be left disappointed after our honourable and loyal heir is acquitted.

If, however, he’s convicted, will you sputter about the results of the trial being unfair?

VOTE: Choice A

If you don’t I’ll support a trial



dont forget cultist

We’ll see. It’s never truly a fair trial if the Counts are involved.

I will have no questions as to the integrity of the trial provided it is operated with grace & decorum. I have the honour to admit defeat should the trial, if fair and impartial, decide our heir as… less honourable than once thought. Do you, Count Litten?

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Justice will be served, no matter how unjust the means to achieve it

i can’t wait for the new 1.2 “Democracy Manifest” to come out so you guys can rise up in a rebellion against the very concept of monarchy

goodness me…

If I were a Conte I wouldn’t slander myself?
what is this?


never ask a woman her age
a man his salary
the counts where their treasury went after a short talk with the judge pre-trial


VOTE: Choice A
Of course I do.

We consider it a strength. Your morality system isn’t universal, you know.

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yes this is accurate btw the game calls you Conte if you are enby

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its a nice word

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when you keep catbae in mind i think you need less metaphorical strengths

Catbae father owes me five dollars so I have no bias towards him whatsoever in this trial.

Excellent. Then we shall proceed with your inevitable disappointment.

VOTE: Choice A

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(… I completely forgot Count was a gendered noun. I’ll edit my previous posts)