[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

in 1.0 it was extremely difficult for the queen to win
in 1.1 they buffed the monarch by reducing the time it takes for the ambition to appear by 1 season
we are currently in the timeline with -1 from 1.0

Modern day Britain, when the Monarch decides to withhold royal assent for the first time in hundreds of years:


do rebelling factions still get to vote i feel like that would be an issue

i mean
you need to work together with another region to get what you want

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they do not

but there’s also rebelling region exclusive votes

thank god our bureaucracy isn’t THAT bad


just you all wait until i get Golden Choice

oh no squirrel started reading


A messenger arrives, this time with a bit of fanfare.

“Baron Wilhelm Marzipan of House Squirrel, first of his name, keeper of the pigeons, wishes to make his will be known.”

tell that punk that we barons are too busy to join in their city folk banter

also, the pigeon reception is terrible where I am right now



The Grandees decided to screw over the barons and us counts had no choice but to go along :(

i love your messengers


sorry i’m going into a tunnel you’ll have to talk to me later

(Oh so that’s the way it is, huh?)

(The barons will remember this)

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(At least in the next two days; after that it becomes long term memory and that’s basically a coin flip)

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(Rhetoric aside I’m confused how you would know what an industrial revolution is if it hasn’t happened yet)


(The world’s knowledge here is inconsistent, we don’t know what sandwiches are)

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I object is it too late