[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Right now, the Authority is at 4. The Barons want to make it even lower. 5 is a perfect medium and I want it to stay that way. You are the one putting things in danger.

Assuming there is only a judge, then why wouldn’t you just bribe them to tell the tru–

Oh. Because you’re a Grandee.
I see how it is.

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that’s not how bribing people works

a reminder that if her grace’s authority collapses then the kingdom will collapse with it
the barons are upsetting a very delicate balance


didn’t we just dunk the queen in water like five days ago

i voted against it

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damn wonder who were the clowns that voted for it

unfortunately it seems we’ll never know who made such a foolish decision

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it’s not like we keep a record of all the council votes

So… if the Queen orders the “Spymaster” to tell everyone that Silviu is guilty when he was in fact innocent, you would let that be?

Wow. Everything for the queen, huh?

Her thing is to literally prevent us from working in the shadows. You all think this “Spymaster” can find the truth, but you somehow didn’t think they can find out about your schemes?


can’t wait for the spymaster to tell us that a baron killed Catbae and that Silviu was just hallucinating the duel and we just go along with it

Choice C (8): Marshal, Italy, YoubutWorse, Amelia, catbae, Daeron, sulit, Kiiruma
Choice A (3): Zone_Q11, Litten, guavagudetama
Choice D (1): tutuu

yeah this certainly paints a picture


A with the unity of all regions tbh


we kinda ate that up let’s be real

The Grand Unifying Theory of Fuck This Guy

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let’s be real I’m just voting for A cuz I have a tiny drop of baron blood in me and I think it would be really funny to be a witness

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You clearly haven’t met me.

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this is what I’m thinking

A does not fuck anyone over what it’s a trial

it’s still helpful to me so


Imagine this:
A Count challenges a Grandee for a duel for a “personal reason”. There are no witnesses, and the Grandee won, killing the Count.

Do you honestly believe that a Count -known for their secrecy- would challenge a Grandee, who are known to be duelists?

–ah, but of course you would. You are one of them after all. Honor among the nobles, amirite?

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the grand unifying theory is the grandees and the counts bludgeoning you barons with a rock