[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

–said the Grandee (Kiiruma) regarding the fate of a fellow Grandee (Silviu).

Cut the nonsense. We all know you are avoiding a trial because you fear the Counts would bribe the judge and jury. So instead you leave it all over to the hands of the “Spymaster”; a loyal subject of the queen. The very same queen you plan to overthrow, mind you.


With a trial, I expect that silviu will just use his influence and talk his way out of it

Perhaps the spymaster, who is more of a neutral party, may deliver justice to the poor boy

i don’t care excessively for a trial either she’s just gonna
you know

Bribe the judge

actually nowadays i think they call it lobbying

they fear me talking about my five dollars and distracting from the trial at hand for hours and the jury just convicts Silviu because they forgot all the evidence that proves their innocent over my incoherent rambling

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Option C does, in fact, make bribery out of the question, as the Spymaster is loyal to the monarch. I’m certain the trial won’t be the same.

I would be perfectly fine with a trial, but frankly think a little bit of Authority on the side of the monarch could be nice. Let her do her thing, while we nobles work in the shadows. That includes the spymaster.

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literally everyone is planning to overthrow the queen we’re on equal footing here

now that i think about it this must be a shitty kingdom to rule literally everyone wants to kill you

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see I kinda blame Eliza for this, she should have had some of her support base (advisors) be from The Counts, or any of the other regions if she wanted to not be overthrown. Instead she cherry picked what she wanted and is now paying the price as she realizes that she has no support base from the people she are governing

Clearly some of us cough, litten prefer a decentralized approach. Zone raises some good points, but I stick with C personally.

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…NGL, this is kinda mindblowing.
One of your kin got murdered in the name of a duel of which the reason is “private” and you just accepted that?

You got guts alright.
You have put your goal beyond your empathy.
There is no need to know the truth regarding the death of some no-name Count you never heard of.

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my long lost baron blood is firing up from hearing this
i don’t have much baron blood but it’s somewhere in my lineage I bet


But was there even a witness who can testify that the murder was a duel? Sikes! That’s a trick question: There is none. Otherwise there wouldn’t have been a need for this event at all!

everyone knows the risks when they accept a duel

i imagine there’s some witnesses to be fair
they just aren’t at the council meeting right now

Who says we aren’t, and even if we aren’t; who says this kingdom doesn’t have juries?

I believe so, but how do we know we can trust the Spymaster? I trust you people a lot more than anyone on the Queen’s personal cabinet.

That doesn’t make your subjects suspicious at all, no

“Incident” does not inherently imply it was bad, but if we knew so well it was an “honourable duel,” we would not be considering the possibility of an investigation, or worse, throwing Silviu in jail.
We are not judging the act of an honourable duel, we are judging whether or not it was an honourable duel in the first place. All we can do is take Catbae II or Silviu’s word on the matter, but we need to investigate. I don’t know how we’re meant to just trust this one person when the, what, 15 or so of us can go investigate for ourselves! You can’t lie about something 15 people saw.

The spymaster is loyal to the Queen. Who knows what the barons might be saying to the Queen at this very moment to get her and the Spymaster on their side?

Yes, the Spymaster is definitely unbribeable just because she is loyal to the queen…

You do realize Authority going too high or too low is a bad thing in this scenario for the Counts and Grandees, right?

but now he’s dead and we can’t prove he actually accepted.

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Catbae the First will be rewarded for his sacrifice with an eternal life once we acheive our goals. We need the throne to do this.

My goals are in his interest. I, unlike litten, have no blood in me but that of the Counts. A Focus on mourning is a roadblock in the way of securing infinity for Catbae the First. Out of respect for his son I will not spend time on such trivial things

@ElizaThePsycho would a trial have a jury (mostly story question I doubt this would be mechanical)

america isn’t a kingdom and in kingdoms trials are often judged by a single person

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