[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

I was literally trying to convince Amelia earlier and I’m trying to convince her now

We’ll see what the remaining counts do, they more or less decide.

I will hold steadfast on C and reccomend the rest do the same, it’s tough luck for the barons but whatever. though I can’t help it if I go to sleep and litten tries to get the rest while i catch some Zs, but I’ve laid out my case well enough in count chat for why it’s always C

Amelia is the last person you’ll flip

(also when I was trying to convince Litten I. thought he was on my team)

Yeah he really isn’t playing very well towards count win conditions so that’s totally fair

Parties transcend teams and lead to beautiful alliances and friendships

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“why aren’t you trying to convince your team”
“you’re never going to convince that person lol”


I genuinely do not see the problem with my vote lmao

Like you’re convincing me rp wise fine but I don’t get why slowing Barons down is bad

You could get others, but you’re posturing publicly. I strongly doubt the grandees flip anyways. The counts might, we’ll see how the remaining vote

I think it’s better to not help the monarch in the early game and this does in fact help the monarch

others who are… where?
not online lol

real quick can’t we knock her down laye game

I can’t convince people who aren’t here

no guarantee we’ll get the events to do so

this might be PtSD because the game monarch didn’t win the Barons won off of dumb luck

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We did not get the events that could possibly stop the Barons

events are purely random so us getting a “fuck over this specific stat” event is chance but if we don’t up authority now she’ll have to find another time to make us do it