[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

if it was a prisoners dilemma that would makes sense considering you are. going to prison you definitely did it but if we go to trial with less evidence you might get away with it

Also each sign beside the Spymaster has a ± combined together.

It seems to be based on chance.

Normally I would switch to B here because you are absolutely a criminal but you’re the Claimant so you’re kinda important

Count Dracula wanted to duel ME

that means at least one region will go up and at least one region will go down within the same category
in this case it probably means… Grandee defiance up Count defiance down?

Oh right, it’s regionwide

his name was Catbae and I don’t believe you but if I vote B the other grandees will call for the ninth god to strike me down even though you literally murdered him and killed him and slaughtered him and another synonym of killed him

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slayed him :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

also B never goes through anyway

Iiiiif you want. You can take my place and I will be a basic politician.

As it seems this game can make you do things without queuing for it :scream:

it’s just flavour text dw
I’m saying you’re important like rp wise cuz story-wise you getting thrown in prison is bad for us

I don’t think you can do this but also the other Grandees would never allow this with how I’ve acted today
(aka I didn’t immediately conform to voting C cuz everyone else did and I actually thought for myself)

Prisoner of Venice

Prisoner from the Southern Grande

By the way catbae joined the council:tm:

What does that mean?

(That’s flavor)

(Catbae died in the duel but the player is still alive)

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@Squirrel2412 relax, there’s a lot that can happen between now and the end of your wincon. auth being at 5 is literally what it would have been normally had we not chosen to throw the queen into the river. There are gonna be plenty of events/opportunities to lower auth, and not every event will be like this where the Grandees and the Counts have a similar interest

(It’s the principle of the thing)

(You wanna mess with us don’t be surprised if we mess with you)

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Okay, I do not blame you.

Remember, the counts don’t hold enemies, and would never do an action out of spite, only strategy.
If you change your mind we can be open and willing compatriots for certain events. And we strongly suggest you take advantage of that opportunity

Blood cold logic