[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

(And your similar interest is literally just raising authority to mess with us)

(Arguing that you won’t have a similar interest in later events is just arguing that authority events won’t happen)

I don’t like how you speak as if you are all of the counts
like, you’re obviously not a hivemind, Litten is literally voting with me right now, who’s to say you all agree on that?

fite fite fite fite fite fite fite

That’s a similar interest. But, for example, if options could raise your faith or raise ours, or raised other stats of ours, that interest would override wanting to up your authority.

It’s the nature of a count. I wouldn’t expect a Grandee like you to understand. Our undying ideation kills off the idea of spite or hatred, such weak emotions only get in the way

Everyone will be at peace until we will be forced to compete with each other.

Literally squid games?!?!?!!?

Litten, apparently, Isn’t fully count. By his own admission. So I guess he has a touch of the weakness. But he is still fully a member, becuase his immense reasoning skills help us along the way, and it is forgiven.

(There’s nothing to say that will happen)

(And right now I’ve seen that if you have a choice between completely neutral options and messing with us you’ll do the latter)

(Don’t be surprised if we do the same)

Oh, I am absolutley not surpriseed! You barons may hide behind these emotions, but you are as much of strategisits as the Grandees and Counts. It would only make sense for you to wish to hinder us, that is the nature of things anyways! I accept and even welcome it, we will see who can negotiate their way around it the best

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Bottom text

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I highly doubt that that is the ideology of an entire region
in fact, if that was the ideology of an entire region, I would be a little scared

I don’t like that word.
What does Weakness imply in this context? That Empathy is Weak? That Morality is Weak? That Justice is Weak?
These are the values that I see represented by the vote for Choice A.
Choice C, on the other hand, is Cold, Ruthless, and Unjust to the Barons of all people, who weren’t even involved in this event to begin with.
If Choice C is “Strength,” and Choice A is “Weakness,” then by the Ninth let me be Weak!
If that is “Weakness,” then I am Weak!

As if someone’s nature needs to be “Forgiven”
As if someone not conforming to the majority is a mistake, deserving of an apology, asking to be “Forgiven.”
Your wording sickens me.

“Hiding behind these emotions.”
You really just tick every single one of these boxes, don’t you?
Do you seriously pride yourself on being Emotionless? Pride yourself on being Logical?
Emotions are what make us human. The ability to feel makes us human.
Are you a human, Countess Marshal? Please act like it.

So, by your own admission, you believe that you are deserving of this hinderance?

Yet you have repeatedly reminded the Barons that you do not wish to be enemies? While driving a knife into their backs? Are you serious?
Countess Marshal, how can you say that you welcome Baron Squirrel’s pettiness while saying you “don’t want to make enemies :pleading_face:,” and stabbing the Barons in the back all in the same breath!?

Liberal vs monarchist


Good Meowning!

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which one of us is the monarchist

Well theoretically speaking all of us

That vote is already over btw

we’re voting on this post atm

true but you implied once of us isn’t

am I the liberal?

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Yes. You are fellow TrustworthyLiberal