[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!


Litten and Marshal threatened to kick me off the team

I did no actual such thing that was just marshal


c for counts and cool and chupie

I had a dream where I went to quick trip and got a donut

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Barons if choice A isn’t chosen, I’ll tell you what I managed to negotiate at the party

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How many events is a season

c for Chloe lost the game

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honor guard counted towards this season

how many seasons does baron scheme last

note that they do not outright lose if their scheme isn’t accomplished by then
rather, it just gets evaluated every season after that

if there’s a tie what happens

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you seem to be forgetting that every scheme comes in 3 stages

tie for votes

i decide

Then C wins anyways because Eliza is voting on it

damn I wonder what the monarch will decide

its iron choice which doesn’t count as a vote