[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

Do you mean that the choise is randomized then?

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yeah but
you are always choosing c since you want authority

i decide with all ties

Then it must mean you will pick C in a tiebreaker

or will i?

How much authority do you need

as much as possible
the more authority, the more my odds of winning when the dice rolls happen


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when does dice roll happens

after like 13 seasons lmao


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this is the WINNING dice rolls
dice rolls happen a lot of other times too

if you get authority we will just throw you in a lake another time again

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ftr y’alls schemes take a MINIMUM of 6 seasons to get to the final stage
whereas mine take a MINIMUM of 13 but are easier since it’s just dice rolls rather than specific, set goals

you can guess why i consider my ambition a timer on your schemes

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in the actual game it’s less true but with the nerfs its true

actually fuck it’s 12 seasons

you get the idea

Also how can we beat the queen if she picked leaders for each kingdom?

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i didn’t
it was completely random

its not LEADERS anyways
all it effects is flavor & any future gmaes