Modded Minecraft Server?

First of all, @Daeron. @wiLLOW and @InsanityUwU are holding me at gunpoint to do this.


We’re thinking about trying to run a Minecraft Server, specifically the All the Mods 9 no frills edition. Would anyone be interested in playing, and would anyone be willing to host a server

Second part is kind of important so :pleading_face:


i cant believe may is holding you at gunpoint

willow dont starve is gonna light me on fire


pleading face pleading face pleading face

if its a server id probably join every now n then

im glad the first signs of life from insanity I’ve seen in the past year is him calling me cringe and him wanting to play modded Minecraft

seems like nothings changed



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nah im out

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common ob5 L take

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I’m hosting one right now and it’s expensive ($48/month at Digital Ocean) to have good performance and render distance even with every performance enhancing mod I could find to throw at it without trying some experimental ones. Specifically, this was using the standard Java server JAR instead of either of the performance optimized server distributions because they weren’t on 1.21 yet. The administration itself is pretty easy fwiw, but it’s a RAM hog. Anything less than 4 GiB and it would eventually get reaped by the OS to avoid crashing the whole machine. I went up to 8 GiB even though 6 would likely suffice. Free hosting services tend to reduce render distance down painfully low, but may work. It’ll still be laggy as shit when people cause new chunks to be loaded in.



insert tutuu “Eliza small brain awwww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:” here

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not the same is it?


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ye I think Citruscraft was around $36 per month if memory serves

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