Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Get dragged, idiot.


omg twinsies

Alright, I’ve got my game-winning strategy cooking… I hope you’re prepared.


Now… we wait.



High praise.

reaching this post gives me a good time to say i have complete faith in arctic and demisha being on the same side

now im just hoping that side it town and not wolf

for now im assuming it’s town and i’ll hop into their backpack

i see you two

Oh shit I forgot to town read Arctic.

He’s super town too so far.

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I was reading your post and was wondering what you were smoking when I didn’t see arctic

I was going off the top of my head and just forgot about him.

Poor Arctic.

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There’s the scumteam. Litten, Achro, and me!..Hey wait…

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also I am breaking out the wall posts a little since this feels like a bonafide n1 death for me

I can smell it

Arctic has been super wolfy I think.

Zorvo protecting Zenon? obv w/w /j

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Soon 150 approaches… about 23 hours remain. You got about 1 post an hour.

i think of the etha/jormok/drinks scum the scum is drinks tbh

definitely not that first one i think they’re 100% town :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also I’m not sleeping yet, but I am gonna start my looking at posts I think? Should I start from most posts, least posts, or signup order…

Love this take <3

nooo demi is literally like the most townie person ever believe my gut read please

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Going to call it a night now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon: