Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

What is this Achro? LOL.

You mean what I have been doing and encouraging?

Oh Boy, Discrediting! Love It!

This is what’s best for me to do.
VOTE: Achro


I take it, it’s based off of my recent posts?

Oh look, Zorvo voting another town right after saying he would try to do better.

Honestly I try to be kind but it does get tiring to go through this song and dance over and over with you, Zorvo. I am starting to think perhaps I need to break your spirit so your mind might absorb some better habits geesh.

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Which is fine.
But don’t decide things for others.
I felt the force of unvote from Achro to Merpy was unnecessary that’s all.
I also didn’t like their response to me so I voted them.

You act like my one vote on you actually means something.

Plus you discrediting me again.

I was a bit skeptical of you until now bc I am paranoid that wolves may act overly towny to throw us off. However, you debated against Achro because you wanted to convey what you thought was right. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like if you were wolf, you wouldn’t have put that much attention on yourself


There a problem with my current stance in thread?

B-playstyle is when Achro plays in a quieter, more reserved fashion instead of throwing his weight around. When he isn’t expecting or playing as if he’ll die N1.

Please stop with this Achro tunnel before it even starts.

I like this reasoning tbh.

I’ll say Merpy is town for now and not vote them today.

How can it be a tunnel if it hasn’t started?

Also I just noticed this.

Because I know you like a book Zorvo. You’re getting set to start deathtunneling Achro until one of you dies. It’s classic you.

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Clearly you haven’t read what I posted pre game.

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Very well, I will try to be nice because it isn’t your fault.

If you go back and look I never asked Merpy to unvote, much less forced her into unvoting. You might even notice if you pay attention that when she revoted lol I didn’t have any problem with it and what I really wanted was to ensure that my top town read (that’s merpy) keeps her head on a swivel and produces good results even if I happen to be murdered overnight. In short, I am imparting advice that I think will benefit town as a whole because I think merpy is town.

If anything @Magnus opinions wanted here, I think this might upon reflection be a bad look for Zorvo if lol flips scum because there is this base assumption from Zorvo that defending lol is bad which strikes me as funny. I had a slight town lean on lol but my advice was more broad going forward and not meant to defend lol in the least.

Magnus, would you say scum Zorvo has struggles with tmi? I don’t know his meta well.

But anyway aside from that random connection that just dawned on me yes, there is something wrong with your process. You don’t realize that from my perspective discrediting you given your track record is pro town. Because you tend to as town run around cutting town’s nose off so much that even when you are right it doesn’t matter. It is not the accuracy that is the problem it is the method. If you are so reckless as town and so heedless of common sense that when your flailing finds wolves you are ignored then your town process is useless to town and you need to change it.

Starting with understanding, on a spiritual level, that the advice I gave to Merpy is extremely pro town and has no agenda.

but also if you are scum with lol that’d be funny.


You’re right. I haven’t.

Also ima do the same thing Merpy is with lol.

Until Achro explains to me what “another” means, I won’t unvote.

Your previous game.