Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Zorvo protecting Zenon? obv w/w /j

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Soon 150 approaches… about 23 hours remain. You got about 1 post an hour.

i think of the etha/jormok/drinks scum the scum is drinks tbh

definitely not that first one i think they’re 100% town :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also I’m not sleeping yet, but I am gonna start my looking at posts I think? Should I start from most posts, least posts, or signup order…

Love this take <3

nooo demi is literally like the most townie person ever believe my gut read please

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Going to call it a night now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Etha Smart, Confirmed?!?!?

Restriction lifts one hour from EOD and tomorrow is my birthday so I am for sure barely posting tomorrow.

Won’t be much of a problem.

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I don’t know… You seem kinda biased, ngl.

Aw, been liking these posts lately. Will definitely see you EOD though! Wish you got more posts.

Bias? Nah… Facts right there.

Well, I mean, it’s a self-imposed restriction so if I do like 152 I am not going to hit myself or anything.

Jormok, can you please summarize all of your reads on other players for me? That’d be very helpful since you like my posts so much!

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Was planning on that! Will do a nice big bulk post of that.

Mind picking my order?

based on my previous game with zenon this was townie zenon but it’s based on like 1 in game day of interacting so take that with a grain of salt


ALSO let’s fucking gooooo Jormok being helpful moment

that wastes a post

Please focus on reading Magnus, Doodle, Demisha, Zenon and lol. I want opinions on these slots.

Also if you could real time chat with Etha to get sense where she is coming from that’d be lovely.

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m just gonna go down the signup list I think starting with… me? Huh cool! Gonna go do that now on a google doc. Can and will post here if I need to

Aye Aye Cap’n!