Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Please focus on reading Magnus, Doodle, Demisha, Zenon and lol. I want opinions on these slots.

Also if you could real time chat with Etha to get sense where she is coming from that’d be lovely.

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m just gonna go down the signup list I think starting with… me? Huh cool! Gonna go do that now on a google doc. Can and will post here if I need to

Aye Aye Cap’n!

right this post uhh solve coming after i finish catching up on thread

i have something i want to scroll up to from like the start of the game as well that i think was a very alignment indicative interaction or at least same side/diff side interaction

coming soon tm


sorry i’ll real time chat soon im at like 800ish

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I liked Demisha’s free-flowing thoughts earlier, knocking around with a few other players comfortably in the thread and reading into slots during the off-hours, questioning Doodleshy about their vote in a way that looked as if she wanted to dig into their thoughts. It might have been wasted time, but I’m not seeing any reason to shade her.

She might also be unpartnered with Drinks because of what she said earlier at (#346).

ok im using demi as my bookmark thank you demi

i’ll live chat rn hi guys


So, Why is drinks wouf out of the three of us? I agree tho

i’ll try to give some insight on my smaller livepostings to help lay it out

Welcome to the party. Drink? We’ve got sparkling water and nothing else.

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drinks i don’t know how they play but i have played a game with you

you feel the exact same here as you did previously and you were town then so you’re town now


and also i know i’m not wolf so if one of etha/jormok/drinks is a wolf i believe drinks is the wolf the most

Why is everyone suspicious of Drinks outside of them not being around?

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Drinks is just naturally suspicious.


from what i know of drinks they’re very chaos

the fact they aren’t causing much chaos feels weird to me, i also don’t know how to read them since i haven’t played a game with them

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Whenever a thread feels very towny those missing from it seem suspicious.


chaotic as townie to be specific

I can concur here, having played other games with Drinks in the past.

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did you have any specific takes you wanted to ask me about achro?

i can just go over everything i said if you want

Same :)

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