Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

High praise.

reaching this post gives me a good time to say i have complete faith in arctic and demisha being on the same side

now im just hoping that side it town and not wolf

for now im assuming itā€™s town and iā€™ll hop into their backpack

i see you two

Oh shit I forgot to town read Arctic.

Heā€™s super town too so far.

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I was reading your post and was wondering what you were smoking when I didnā€™t see arctic

I was going off the top of my head and just forgot about him.

Poor Arctic.

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Thereā€™s the scumteam. Litten, Achro, and me!..Hey waitā€¦

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also I am breaking out the wall posts a little since this feels like a bonafide n1 death for me

I can smell it

Arctic has been super wolfy I think.

Zorvo protecting Zenon? obv w/w /j

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Soon 150 approachesā€¦ about 23 hours remain. You got about 1 post an hour.

i think of the etha/jormok/drinks scum the scum is drinks tbh

definitely not that first one i think theyā€™re 100% town :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also Iā€™m not sleeping yet, but I am gonna start my looking at posts I think? Should I start from most posts, least posts, or signup orderā€¦

Love this take <3

nooo demi is literally like the most townie person ever believe my gut read please

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Going to call it a night now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Etha Smart, Confirmed?!?!?

Restriction lifts one hour from EOD and tomorrow is my birthday so I am for sure barely posting tomorrow.

Wonā€™t be much of a problem.

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I donā€™t knowā€¦ You seem kinda biased, ngl.

Aw, been liking these posts lately. Will definitely see you EOD though! Wish you got more posts.