Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Is it your birthday today? :thinking:

Yes, if you look in my profile here I have a little cake and everything!

Oh wow! Happy birthday! :partying_face: :tada: :birthday:

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I see you put lol back out into the ocean instead of keeping him on your line. Who do you think looks likely to be scum atm?

Merpy made it clear Achro that they didn’t wolf read them lol.

Zorvo what is your weird obsession with lol this game. I’m just making conversation.

What obsession?
Lol was in mention.

It seems like every time I mention lol to Merpy you have something to say about it.

I independently town read both you and lol so I don’t think it’s anything nefarious but you make mountains out of molehills any time I bring him up.

Happy birthday too Achro.

Very nice. Happy early birthday wish because I’m getting executed today. Just need to decide who gets executed tomorrow first.

I think you’re safe from being my choice even if you vote me.

No one is taking this away from me Achro. The execution has already been decided. Me.

How could anyone hate a wonderful person like you?

How? She seems really scummy to me.

Why would a villager not acting wolfy suck for you Zenon?

No you’re not. She’s willing to bet her life. That’s the ultimate in confidance.

Only time will tell whether or not you’re right about that.

I’m sorry if that was a bit harsh there.

If you remember, that was only one possibility that came with my action and I had to be sure. Also, how many scum have you locktowned D1 again Zenon?

Actually, let’s end this argument here. Demisha will be my chouce for execution D2 after I’m executed today as things are going unless someone can convince me otherwise.

That’s my plan. The power to control the D2 execution is so intoxicating! Mwahahaha! Besides, I figure the wolves will be less likely to vote me with these conditions so I’m going to suggest a chance @Achromatic my chouce of the D2 execution for when I flip town today can be literally anyone in the game. Not just the ones voting me.

None of these make it a fallacy because you’re only one person.

What are these limits you speak of?

Dies laughing You’re in the wrong game if you think Demisha hasn’t shown any wolfy motivation here.

How is it ever stupid?

What makes you think Demisha even wants to die? You’re literally confbiased beyond belief on both Demisha and me.

Don’t deny me the opportunity to decide the D2 execution Zorvo. I need this.

Executing me will help catch wolves in the long run.

Why would I want him executed?

Good news for you yhen. I’m the execution for today and I’ll be deciding the D2 execution.

Your read on me is the awful one Zenon.

Unfortunately, I think this is for the best though to make people realize that they shouldn’t be so quick to trust Arctic and Demisha. Also, people will be able to analyze how other people approached my slot and it’ll help with figuring out their alignments. Besides, I want the power of deciding the D2 execution too much. This is sadly the way it has to be Litten. Or maybe happily because I’m enjoying myself way too much right now. Laughs

You even acknowledged that I did in an earlier post of yours. The one that Zorvo brought up and you’re talking about the extremely big one where he listed reads on everyone, right?

Sure thing. I’ll find it right after posting this wallpost.

Weird. I could’ve sworn I commented on it but I.guess I didn’t. I checked back which is how I realized that. I remember not liking it because it felt faked in a way and I did plan on commenting on it but I guess I forgot to. Oh well.

Would you mind quoting a few bits that you felt were fake and explain it?

Good afternoon, gonna start backreading until I get caught up with thread

I’ll be honest you actually make one hell of a point here. Like this is something I knew but never actually consciously processed and you’re so right:

You’re so right, town doesn’t give a fuck if they die for the most part and you get to see that in how willingly they are to kill themselves to prove themselves sometimes (Of course, filtering out genuine attempts at this and non-genuine ones that would be wolves trying to show themselves that way and then backing off or doing it half-heartedly)

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Because by the time I posted that I was already posting other stuff that was substantial/relevant imo, whereas by the time you posted the thing I called overreacting you had mostly just commented on other people’s posts and posted standalone gifs, but I’ll admit that you calling that out is fair fglskldgjkfjkl it’s pretty on the wire on me being hypocritical about it >.<

I gave your posts from today a quick skim from bed and I can already tell I feel A LOT better about your slot but I’ll comment on that in a little

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They were, plenty

Feeling too lazy to after looking back and seeing how long it was. I did notice he mentioned townreading me as a bad look and wolfreading me as a good look though and just has me down as wolf and it felt as if he was cherrypicking the things that would agree with his reads instead of looking at the whole picture. That’s what I remember thinking when I first read the wallpost.

You’re so tunneled, you should start reading other people a bit more independently of “What do they think of Demisha” as the final outcome, it’s fine if you reach that conclusion for like a few people but this is definitely more than 3 people you heavily skew your read on because of how they think of my slot, and the wolf team is 3 players

Say what you will, I’m chilling drinking my apple juice knowing I’m not getting murdered by Arctic in literally any world and I sleep like a baby knowing I’m not a wolf

This isn’t particularly relevant but interesting that you veto EXE your top town read instead of focusing on pushing your top wolf read above any other slot that you think has higher odds of flipping town than your top suspicion.

With that said I realized Drinks in my head flips town in a lot more worlds than the ones in which you flip town.

VOTE: Leafia

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It’s kinda complicated. To be completely honest, I still think lol is a wolf candidate, but I would rather put my vote toward something to help the town rather than wasting my vote on something that wouldn’t get pushed. That, and I don’t trust myself to lead a push :sweat_smile:


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I’m still thinking about my reads atm. I will get back to you on this, Achro (if I remember to)