Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I am not getting pocketed by Zenon
I am not getting pocketed by Zenon
I am not getting pocketed by Zenon

Etha feels pretty towny after reading their iso. They are, at the very least, consistent with their methods of parsing people and they come off as lacking an agenda.

You’re so cool you get to be replied with the Chika gif from that game


I genuinely don’t need to see a single flip to feel confident enough to run the risk of embarrassing myself in front of everyone in case I’m wrong about Arctic because that’s how confident I am that Arctic is town. I’ve read enough of their posts from beginning of game up until about 30ish hours ago to just be able to tell

And honestly Zenon is a close second on being that confident of a town read for me, not quite an “I’d risk anything” though

This is a good catch but I think she’s just scared of being wrong and the hypothetical of the future in which we both survive long enough where it’s an astronomical wolf advantage (because you’re letting 2 wolves through out of 3, 66%)

That said it’s not really something to be worried about imo, we’re so fucking sticked together by DAY ONE that nobody should ever live us both alive for any longer than at MOST mid game unless they’re uber confident we’re both town and even then it’s a tad questionable mechanics wise if you’re trying to be optimal

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It’s genuinely a bit risky to have both of us alive no matter the circumstances past mid game but since I know we’re both town I’m not the one that needs to push this idea so I’ll leave it for the rest

Honestly, regardless of your alignment, you’re probably right about that.

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say for a part of this but I do like the vote at the end.

Not desperate.

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That was genuine (the me liking your play style), then I got to see you develop in thread for a while and I knew you were also town so it was a double W for me

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I was going to make a wall post but I literally have no fucking idea what’s going on and I don’t want to be accused of “copying thoughts” again.

who looks the most partnered with leafia atm from your read of the game?


Why does it matter what you are accused of? You should just make a wall post.

I want to know too.

Jormok/Drinks i’d just completely erase now. Jormok had that incredibly huge time investment (albeit badly formatted but that’s not what matters for this analysis) post in which they went over a bunch of posts (Obviously I didn’t go and fact check each one of them because following that format is kind of a pain in the ass (psst I didn’t fact check a single one)) but if I focus on how much time investment he must’ve put into that given the length of it it feels a bit way too overkill for a wolf.
Drinks appeared again for a while last night and their posts were pretty neutral with the most part, but the ones they did during the first day felt ehh kinda weak posts to just make presence so it had me a bit doubting. I don’t have a good enough reason to be too focused on either Jormok or Drinks now.

Leafia all it takes is to look this long thread of interactions between Zenon, Arctic and I and Leafia to tell why I don’t feel great about the slot.

And lastly you have been growing on me the more I’m reading these batch of yours posts. Even trying to remember your posts from yesterday literally none of your posts feel like you’re pushing an agenda both directly or indirectly.

More the first part than the second that’s preventing me. I need more time to get acclimated. I’ll probably be able to do it by day three, if I’m alive that long. Rough estimate.

Believe me, I’m reading everything, my brain is just smooth. Developing wrinkles as we speak.

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You’re so goddamn right

I’m not confident on it beyond Leafia because I literally have been paying close to zero attention to Achro and Litten except any time they interact with Leafia but I was trying to remember and ask myself “Have these 3 players (whether it be in pairs of 2 or the three of them) ever even disagreed with each other so far?” And I think they feel pretty disconnected and distanced from each other, in fact it’s kind of rare to ever find the three of them being active simultaneously for the most part.

(Do note that if you read this post in the future and you try to start looking out for this it’s a bad idea because I brought it up now and they’ll take note of this (in the hypothetical event that this is true), the “untainted” data of this research would be up to this point for this question only)

Achro and Leafia are somewhat active simultaneously a lot of the time so idk, I don’t go off of this a lot anyways, moreso the distancing


…TMI moment…?

No shot right…

(no shot)