Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’m not W/W with Litten promise.


Why are you being such a waffle?

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Fax I will win


litten hasnt pushed u

if he flips mafia ur a potential suspect imo

can confirm

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Get REKTed Magnus

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You do know even if I myself don’t think it even, I’m probably having confirmation bias seeing your initial Litten argument line up enough and benefiting me for me to naturally lean on it

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Litten + 2/3 from arctic, magnus, jormok

is my guess for the team

smell ya later guys

I gotta question! Why doesn’t Litten bus? This is an open question, will take answers from other than Litten.

So CFD this EOD yeah?

I’m physically incapable of glancing at my partners



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I don’t think this is true at all. I’ve found Leafia before. Achro is a better Leafia reader than you. Yes i realize he town read her but the crux is this. I hard fight against the Leafia wagon at EoD if she doesn’t unvote herself.

I told her what I thought she would do she said she wouldn’t than she did it anyways in that moment my self doubt was gone. Until that moment I was second guessing myself all of EoD.

goooooood keep Town reading me, I like it when there is plausibile deniability

Admittedly in a mafia game that just reads “Innocent until she wins the game” considering the only truth proof of guilt is flipping wolf aslkfgjfklsghjlk

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I literally was already voting you

It’s no fun when I am completely solved :(

I mean did it?

also increases night survival chances, lmaoooo