Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Admittedly in a mafia game that just reads “Innocent until she wins the game” considering the only truth proof of guilt is flipping wolf aslkfgjfklsghjlk

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I literally was already voting you

It’s no fun when I am completely solved :(

I mean did it?

also increases night survival chances, lmaoooo

I do not ignore anything and I’m sick of you inventing an incorrect narrative of my play

I don’t care what you did.
I don’t doubt you had your reasons.

I know why I didn’t vote them.
I had no reason to.
I didn’t read them as either alignment, I was more leaning town based on the fact they were putting themselves in a suicidal position as mafia and Leafia is a better mafia player than that.
For a majority of their push the Leafia wagon reasons weren’t AI, Arctic was just pushing and others were following but all Leafia was doing is being Leafia that I guess others mistaken as woof material.

I was literally there for like hours before that

I was literally paying all EoD until that

I literally had a reason to vote Leafia which you are ignoring

Why are you lying?

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if litten is town then i think drinks and etha are mafia and the game isnt that hard probably. idk whod be the 3rd wolf there

I doubt both are.

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Except it wasn’t out of the woods? Zenon had been pretty against Leafia for a bunch of hours before the day ended and she participated with a lot of involvement in the whole discussion about it


I have never seen town Zorvo act like this. Someone fact check me.

I can vouch for Zenon here.
They did.

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Someone didn’t read my Pre Game.

True, they did

Thank you

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I don’t read anyone pre game


VOTE: Magnus

Based Zenon still responding as expected



Magnus read.

Full follow up.

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Sometimes I’m based other times I’m shit

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