Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Thing is Litten won’t vote Etha if they are a wolf they will only vote me.

Because Litten spewed Etha and Me town ML’s.

Litten knows they could probably ML Etha tomorrow, they are trying to attempt one on me today.

They want a back to back ML.

Where as if Etha flips town it’s all over.

Litten wanted to use the thought Etha could be wolf and I could be my partner to vote out me

because if Etha flips Town, Litten loses an ML.
Where if Litten makes up a world they could try and aim for an ML against me today and then Etha tomorrow.

Might want to take a look at Litten here.

Vote late at EoD and Litten flips wolf I just might think you bussed. :wink:

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Ok so here’s the issue with this.

1)Drinks is in the same position Leafia was.
Like what have they genuinely done that was wolfy?
2)Lol is town, they aren’t like their last game where they were wolf and they are providing more here in this game.

If this is your conclusion Merpy.

I am sorry but your gonna have to go back to Null unless you wish to provide more and your input on other players like Litten, Etha, Arctic or Magnus

As I said before, yesterday and today wolves do NOT wanna buss.

They only wanna buss Day 3+

So my thoughts have shifted around a bit. So, I’m going to have a hard time getting reads from people I’m not familiar with, so the sooner we exe someone I know, the better off I’ll be. Thinking about it logically, I’ve shifted my opinion in favor of voting Etha, as they’re the more active of the two I wanted to put on the block today. I still don’t have any solid reads, I’ll admit I’m kind of sheeping. I wanted Etha to be town yesterday, but at this point she’s null and could go either way, honestly. We kill her, she flips, I can work with that.

Or we just ignore that and kill Litten and see what happens, lol.


Drinks: I would not put Drinks and Leafia in the same category. Drinks, in comparison, has posted very little and has not given a lot of reads imo. They have given some reads here and there, but it doesn’t feel concrete enough if that makes sense

Lol: I have said this before, but I don’t mind repeating myself. Lol is hard pushing on to me even though several people have said I am town. One of them being Achro. Unless something changed, Achro said I was their top town. They flipped town. It just feels like Lol is being really uncooperative and not considering other alternatives.

I would also like to add that, unless I am mistaken, neither of them participated in the previous vote. They both off-voted and didn’t change their votes or talk at all during that vote period. That isn’t suspicious to you?

Have I?

What’s the difference between Zenon pushing on me?

Or me pushing on Doodle?

Or ignoring the serval people town read. Arctic hard pushing Leafia over?

Leafia wagon has at least one woof on it.

You’ve been trying to play around and see if you could yeah, I seen it.


Drinks/Litten or Merpy/Litten

Are these still probable?

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i dont think merpy is ever a wolf. im unsure if litten is a wolf with drinks. from a brief skim litten seemed to have called for drinks death, and litten doesnt bus. from my brief skim i noticed litten not calling for the deaths of arctic, magnus, jormok, could be some others that i missed

Magus: Magnus is town. Again, I don’t know how much I can say on the matter because of the rules, but I think they are just town.

Arctic: Although Arctic was wrong about Leafia being scum, I think their paranoia was towny, and I feel like it would be too ballsy to be wolf because they didn’t back down.

Etha: I’m still not sure what to think of Etha. Etha defending Drinks, who I think is a wolf, is pretty suspicious. I think they are leaning more toward the wolf team but idk

Litten: I also don’t know how I feel about Litten. I am going to trust Achro’s words on Litten:

Achro, a confirmed town who knows Litten significantly better than I do, says they are certain Litten is town. Therefore, I will also support this idea. (I don’t feel like I have enough evidence on my own to give an independent read, but I am hoping this suffices for now since Zorvo wanted my reads

The difference is that all of these people participated in the voting phase. Sure, it is a bit suspicious to tunnel-vision on to someone despite multiple people clearing them, but not voting or talking during votes is 10x more suspicious

Think of it like a strike system. Drinks and Lol have had too many suspicious things happen for it to be chalked up to townie inactivity imo

Considering it flipped town, yeah that would check out

Drink’s alignment is still effectively rand from my point of view. If I was a wolf with drinks, I would be prodding them in order to do something. If they are a wolf, I do not think they are a wolf with someone like Arctic/Tutuu, as I think both of those players would be prodding them to actually do something.

Also, you dodged my question. I am not asking about if there is a wolf on Leafia’s vote. I am asking you if you find the inactivity of Drinks and Lol suspicious. Until you explain this, I am going to have vote on you for pressure. (I do not intend to keep it on you, but I would like you to still elaborate)

VOTE: Zorvo

VOTE: Etha

@tutuu I have the excuse of not having read most of the posts up until now. What’s your excuse for not killing Etha?