Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

None of their reads are real, their reads are biased with tmi, which is why you can point out nice and neat contradictions in their reads such as vibe reading Zorvo as town then vibe reading them as a wolf 7 minutes later

iā€™m here and iā€™m queer


hello why didnā€™t we kill Etha d1

five posts up arctic

tunneling you; i dont think youā€™re w/w with etha as you wanted them dead. if youā€™re town id want to kill them though

their reads are quite literally the definition of tmi

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i havenā€™t read anything since i went to sleep last night but i still think etha is scum lol

i guess if litten is scum they arenā€™t but on posting i think etha is much worse

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i mean i cased etha before anyone else but i did also murder leafia

i have the excuse of having read none of their posts until now
you canā€™t convince me a villager with no tmi has made those posts

i mean i agree with you but your confidence on it is kind of scaring me given that i feel this is the exact push wolf!you makes here

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this is the exact push town me makes when I see bullshit too and you know it

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I was busy in lol land isoMing his wolf games and comparing his entrances (by the way his reads were a lot more elaborate and his entrances sucked a lot more in his wolf game) and then I open up Etha and actually manage to overcome my adhd to read all of their posts and then I realized why tf did we not kill this


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you can smell the predator scent here


If people think you are both town they should be allowed to say it. Itā€™s not a problem to say your reads what is this?

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by the way, why do we think jormok is town again? i feel like they fit quite nicely into a lot of worlds

Zenon donā€™t open this

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im just never not tunneling litten here sorry if town, he ignored 80% of my accusations and is continuing to do so, hes ignoring solving me and potentially me wolfing, he seems to me like a wolf whos having fun chopping villagers which fits with his described wolf style. like finding the stuff in achro iso as ammo against etha and i believe he genuinely finds it hilarious (because heā€™s a wolf and he finds a position where he can mischop another town using his friend achroā€™s posts)