Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I mean did you wolf read lol?

I clear people correctly constantly in Mountainous


Then you can vote them yeah?

I’ll let you even vote me out tomorrow if they flip wolf.

I’ll go along with the lol vote for now and we’ll see what happens.

VOTE: lol

I am so confused. How am I outed? Alright. Let me set the scene: Zorvo is asking me to decide between 2 people who I don’t feel 100% certain on. I am saying they are setting me up because I feel like if I’m wrong, even though I’m town, they’re going to lynch me. This logic is flawed because it assumes that:
A). This assumes that there is a wolf between the 2 of them. It’s possible that neither of them are wolves.
B). This puts me in a horrible position because, if I’m wrong, you’re going to kill me. Me being wrong isn’t alignment indicative. If anything, the only reason I survive your little test is if I was a wolf (and knew people’s roles) or just got lucky in guessing.

This was in response to Zorvo and Magnus’ comment

She’s got her dukes up!

Sorry misspeak. Meant to say Tutuu. I’m tired lol. Proof of this can be seen as I have said that I’ve did this before. (I reiterated this same point from earlier to answer a question). Check my previous messages

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It’s definitely possible, but I think it’s unlikely

Idk what this means :thinking:

Yes, I said Lol was town-lean. So why do you want me to vote someone I think is town? Am I just misunderstanding?


I found it! This is the post I was trying to find! Hopefully, this explains my misspeak. I know it isn’t the most trustworthy thing to happen, but I genuinely did have a misspeak moment. @Zorvo @Magnus @Zenon

Anyways, I’m going to bed. Good night! :sleeping:

For those who are seeing this without context, this was me clarifying why I accidentally said “Litten” instead of “Tutuu”

Jormok, are you a wolf? :c

I am not a wolf, third time I have been straight up asked, lmao.

I do not think you’re a wolf either. I stand by that.


If lol flips wolf, I’m gonna kill you.