Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


what kind of smoothie is that it looks like liquid ass


id love to but i cant sadly

doesn’t mean it dissapeared

but yeeah im out if i die kill drinks then merpy then doodle then arctic or zenon if that doesnt end the game

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demisha/jorvok/litten/magnus/zorvo should be town always

i don’t understand

i thought about it long and hard and realised hes just playing normal by now even if his d1 was weird this is classic zorvo play him pushing me made me realize it

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why demisha

town meta / towny d1 / towny d2 early. fell off but so did half the players by now except like zorvo and you


blatantly not their wolf game

yeah but whats the difference

its old but demisha confirmed my opinion on their meta applies if demisha was wolf there would be much less volume and demisha would be much more calculated and not freak out like they have

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could be true, she posted like 250 times in the wolfgame across 4 days which is way less compared to here but that game was also less active so idk (has the same number of overall posts as this one does now)

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overall posts should not matter unless there was a postcap

you have zenon/litten/zorvo spamming up the thread which is half of the posts in the game
replace them with less spammy players and the postcount goes down significantly

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but yeah you guys will figure it out i hope

i get people over this weekend so ill be less active which means i probably wont be able to catch up that well unless wolfes are actually that easy to get and i have them poed then i wont be much use

5 bucks says this lives at Day 6

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the important part is the way they act regardless
especialy towards me when they went crazy

my best way to make reads and directly interact the more insane the person is the easier for me to make a read

that was my initial prediction