Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

why is magnus so high for you?

My problem with this “town core”

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Damn this is typical town Zenon? I thought it was pretty wolfy just from a couple posts looking a bit overreacting, the cascade of gifs with no text and the agreements and disagreements she was handing out while looking considerably not-invested in those comments


But if there’s people here who’ve played with her before and they can vouch for this play style as not red flag I’ll leave it to them for now

Okay, what’s your problem specifically with Zenon

eevee coming in with making the bet with you, and that being the only thing he did - looked pretty towny to me. have seen plenty of town making bets for fun, have never seen wolves make that the focal point of their play. and then magnus having a convo with zorvo theorizing about someone being potentially coached what to say in wolf chat - that read pretty pure to me. a bit too convoluted / over-the-top / extra thing to do as wolf, imo

i’m not massively worried about tutuu defending leafia because for someone who isn’t familiar with leafia i think her points make sense even though they aren’t really applicable (especially the volume clear one, i must admit i lol’ed when i saw that)


yeah i would agree with you if it wasn’t for the fact he had already asked to sub out and jus twanted to troll me by making the avatar bet since he got taken out of the game first he can set my avatar so he literally had no point in playing seriously since he was already being removed from the game and in fact i don’t think he should have even been allowed to post but w/e


I don’t have experience with wolf them but my general impression of Zenon is that they are confident in their wolf game, I’ve seen them talk about how they are a good wolf, and the fact that people are town reading them when they haven’t really done anything that reads to me as clearing weirds me out. Like sure it isn’t an iron clad wolf case but to me it kinda feels like they have TMI on the game, esp considering they town read me while you guys are all wolf reading me


well my interpretation of that was that its towny but … could be wrong ofc!!

What the fuck are you two arguing about how can you make anything out of Doodle’s posts they feel so null :skull:


Honestly, I thought the same thing, but I didn’t know if that was allowed to be discussed or not

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lol does give me town vibes because you can kinda feel like this curse of them rolling mafia being washed away in all their posts and I’m not sure they have it in them to fake that with how many times they have rolled wolf recently

Magnus is probably not leaving my town lean list for both D1 and D2 almost guaranteed tbh

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demi have you randed wolf other than in FAM2?

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Oh, Jormok has 32 posts and a town rand from last game to compare to, that slot will have a read on it when I have a moment to backread cool


I forgot I wanted to do this but I got distracted brb

It’s not worth it, I already looked and he didn’t give a single read until 100 posts into his iso


Well I don’t know their experience level but they feel loose at least.

Not as much of a read as I wanted but they were kind of loose in their town game too so no red flags.

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I have very bad news for @Jormok

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