Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Honestly I think Achro and Leafia are never W/W and Litten and Leafia could be W/W.

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Fun fact, I never even so much as glance as my partners when I’m a wolf. So if leafia is a wolf I’m cleared. Go ahead and try to find me doing that.

I believe this tbh

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What you got on me witten?

Nothing, I just concluded that executing someone who said that seems optimal.

I was investigating you because you voted me and then I realized you never stated the reason for you voting me. Besides spicy.

Did something pretty similar with Achro but you never commented on that I don’t think.

If you notice I have barely read the game and currently correcting thisb

in most cases i’d buy this but i don’t think you’ve been a wolf with leafia outside of a mash and it would be kind of outting for you to just not talk about them at all given you usually talk about her every time you’re in a game together

you don’t vote partners, sure, but you… aren’t voting leafia


i don’t even glance at my partners though
at all
not a single time in the last two years

I also think you are focusing way too much on me not voting when I haven’t voted the entire game

ok litten prove ur town by trying to make a read on every single player by the end of the day

if ur wolf - that will make u squirm and put u out of comfort zone. if ur town - it shouldnt be too much of a hassle


don’t care + L + ratio
i just explained why even if that was how you normally play you’d have to make an exception in this case

it would be funny if leafia was town and all of this discussion is pointless

i don’t care about arguing this more, just kill her or find a different wolf

anyone who has played with villager me knows this is the worst possible thing you could ever do

whys that?

because I absolutely hate making read lists and I hate giving reads on everyone at once when I go at my own pace


Anyway need to find 11 town friends and the game is won. Actually I need to find 7 town friends and we can’t lose, but 11 total.

Zenon being town from their approach to this game. I haven’t been with them in a game where they are scum but this feels familiar to me from their town games. I guess this isn’t a silver bullet read but I like it.
Tutuu top posting heavily and balling out feels pretty towny, but like if she’s alive at end game that’s always a wolf because she has a lot of presence and shouldn’t be alive at lylo.
I remember nothing from Jormok, that’s never a good sign
Litten I am worried about, thus the vote, but I am willing to give litten the entire day to sort himself out as I think I can find him as town with enough time
Doodle felt pure earlier
Merpy’s suspicion on me I think comes from a place of town usually tbh
lol I think is more in their town than scum meta, I will pop in to the game they just swept to check but I am starting to learn about lol’s meta a bit (I think)
Arctic has felt towny to me
Etha needs to post
Drinks really needs to post
Zorvo seems like his usual town self to me
Magnus is null for me atm, don’t think he is in his town bag yet
Haven’t paid demisha too much mind either
leafia I have a mixed read on, but that will come in time

So like


in terms of ‘feel good’ to ‘feel bad’ about the slot? I would be surprised if one of etha/jormok/drinks didnt contain scum just because of how towny the thread has felt but that might be a misread.


In fact one of the problems I have with litten is that I believe him when he says he doesn’t look at partners as scum.

And he is looking at mostly people I like.

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My read on her is that she’s going to live throughout the entire game and is never going to die btw

our lists share a lot of the same names, so if you have a problem with the lists you need to explain why well