Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

So working backwards, this post gives away that the game was not ending. This was before the hosts posted a votecount, and Merpy’s posts about hypothetically voting earlier aren’t inherently substantiated on the principle of locked votes since this is her first Mafia game.

You then immediately worked to sooth Merpy’s nerve, posting near immediately after the VC.

So yeah, this is a pretty major perspective slip, but I feel like that’s easy to say.

I’m quoting this for reference since it now needs to be true.

Furthermore, I’m referring to my notes so that I can set a precedent here. It’s plausibly likely that I get voted here? Either way I don’t think it’s particularly important overall for my record.

Something that’s worth reasserting is that I am irrevocably in my town range this game. I mean it’s actually undeniable, it was noted by Achro, Arctic, Zenon, even Zorvo this game. It’s just a fact. The only player who has consistently debated this is Zorvo, and yet his arguments this game have stemmed to little more than obsession.


Etcetera. Zorvo’s had an obsession with my slot for half this game. He didn’t really answer town cases on my slot from anyone unless it agreed with whatever he was saying at the time, I think.

Here’s the first thing I can say: Zorvo has played this game in an extremely self-aware and defensive fashion, irrespective of whether he claims he wouldn’t pull certain tricks as Mafia. His D1 opener indicates an intention to stick to the straight and narrow path, which doesn’t hold up later. He divulged information on Etha’s alignment, was TMI’d by Lol and tried reading into his teammate’s behaviour in order to make himself look town.

Furthermore, Zorvo has played in an aggressive manner, repeatedly asking questions or making accusations that have either already been answered or are plainly incorrect. Example:
(Mountainous AMQ Day Seven (3/15 left) Thread 1 #2851)

Zorvo has reportedly played in out-of-character fashions, and instead of just owning it he tried justifying it.


Zorvo slipped v!Zenon and tried pretending he didn’t.

As for “effort”, Zorvo was planning on trying harder this game than he actually did for most of it. He tried writing a chart at (#1024), which he quickly abandoned.

Claiming the “X player didn’t die” technique is another thing Zorvo has done this game, wanting to apply pressure onto Arctic (obvious villager) the same way he did today. I don’t actually think this is out of character anyway, since Zorvo is historically scared of Arctic, and yet multiple times Arctic was called Town and he mostly ignored it.


I’m only putting this here as one of the questions Zorvo forgot to answer during the course of this game, because it’s already happened multiple times.

Quoting for later.

Yeah, it’s not even hard. Sorry.

Sorry why would this bother you exactly if I’m suppose to be a mechanically locked wolf in your eyes?
I also made it pretty clear where your agenda was from very visibly trying to hint all day for me and Merpy to cross vote.

Man they effort you have put into this game man, props.
You really want your wolf win eh after you messed up and killed Demi?

Well we will see who Merpy votes.

This attitude by the way.
Has been present mainly just during this day phase, the day where a wolf wouldn’t want to be voted and would want the other town to cross vote.
The “oh it’s pretty simple, it’s not hard to just vote each other and not me” kinda thing Magnus has done.
Again I just wanna point out, anyone can make cases and incriminate someone.
Arctic incriminated Kiiruma and Jorm, look what they flipped.

The best way to solve is to seek and find Agenda, see if there is agenda in the post and if you look at how Magnus went about today, it reeks of agenda, the attitude I mentioned and the goal to get us to cross vote each other.

It bothers me because it just feels like random targeting.

I asked for “specific examples”.

I quoted five passages. That isn’t really effort.

I did the same kingmaker thing in Love Is War and Helluva Boss, both games that you were in iirc.


Also I can elaborate more on my tell if you want.
And as I said, if you have any questions I’ll try and be there to answer them, I am gonna be busy today though, we are heading to another city to visit my cousins for 5 days.

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Which city are you visiting?

Which is there today that you have put in this day phase that Merpy has seen.

I explained what they are.
It’s visible what it was, both me and Merpy noticed it and noticed your attitude early before I voted you.


I even explained it at the end of here.


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Hope that’s a fun time for your family.

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Not the quotes, it’s the amount of text you had with them and how you did it all game.

You also went into this day phase not with the agenda to find the other town but to just quote posts that make one of me and Merpy look bad.
To try and get one of us to vote the other.

I acknowledged it, but neither of you responded to my comment. I didn’t want to receive votes and I tried to make that extremely clear, nor did I believe I deserved them. This outcome is fine. If I was really desperate not to receive a single vote, I would’ve posted a reminder before I went to sleep last night.

Yeah me and my mom will have a road trip there haha.

I should probably get some more rest before mom wakes up and tells me to get ready.