Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

You did not evaluate both players. You ignored the last six days and claimed you weren’t. You called Merpy pure based on eight posts today that weren’t AI, instead of anything earlier this game that actually felt really pure.

Look at me.
I know Magnus looked better than you did.
They looked better then both of us.
I felt like it was very likely you as the wolf.
Even from what the flipped wolves said it felt you were more likely the wolf and I thought you were
Until I interacted with you, engaged with you and felt purity from you.

It wasn’t what you have done it’s the behaviour you were showing today that made me realize you were the town.

Why not? You’ve been setting up concern on me half this game.

This statement doesn’t tell me much. A lot of your agruments have been “in my town meta I don’t do X, Y, Z”. As someone who doesn’t know you, this doesn’t feel concrete enough to me

At least if we do lose and you vote me here Merpy.

I am still proud to have figured you out as town.


I appreciate that. I am quite the dilemna here imo. I can feel the emotion in your posts, but I feel like that isn’t concrete evidence. I need evidence to feel confident in my vote. Don’t get me wrong: You have posted a lot, and I appreciate your willingness to defend yourself, but I don’t think it will be enough to sway me

I’d agree.
But if I followed everything that had happened I would have voted you, but I knew this is F3 and in a F3 if you don’t vote right you lose. So I needed to interact I needed to vibe feel and see if I could feel the town vibe like I did with Jorm but more so, I needed that feel of where it was like “THIS and THESE posts come from a town” and that’s what I felt with you.

I changed my mind. This EOD has been fun, thank you both for being here.

From my POV, I either vote Zorvo bc he has a ton of evidence against him, or I vote Magnus solely bc Zorvo’s passion felt townie. If I step back and think about that statement, there isn’t rlly a reason to vote Magnus in that statement. The only reason I would be voting them is bc passion (which isn’t alignment indicative). I feel like I’m making the wrong choice, but I can’t bring myself to vote Magnus in good faith

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I don’t want another town loss.

There isn’t much I can do or say Merpy I am sorry.

Magnus had real good posts and I don’t have much evidence against them.

Please tell me how I can though, if there is a chance we can win, let me know how.

And why couldn’t you do this in the previous days? Why did you have to do that in this day exclusively? Yes, you have to be more cautious with your vote, but why would do you need to disregard previous evidence?

That was my question. Where did your social deduction practice come from, which sort of games do you play?

That’s the thing: I don’t think you can do anything to sway me here. Your emotion feels genuine here again, but I don’t think emotion is enough to dictate who I should vote. I am a firm believer in evidence beats emotion. Not in every scenario, but I think in most. Plus, you could theoretically be this passionate bc you rlly want to win. Sure, you can deny that, but how would I know?

To build on this, I feel like any argument that you have presented Zorvo has relied on me thaving your perspective/info to make sense, was a weaker argument, and/or was shot down by Magnus

Because it didn’t happen in previous days, in previous days I still be thinking Demi or Doodle. I wasn’t in a F3 scenario where I could have 1 on 1 full engagement.

Because I needed to find the town today as I have said many times before.
And again it’s F3 and it happened to where you convinced me from how your posts felt to me.

I needed an answer today, that is what I came into today to do.

Find Town
Find Wolf

Figure out who’s who

Here’s my simulation: Zorvo kills Demisha and expects Merpy to vote him quickly, like with yesterday. That’s the reason why he holds his vote. When Merpy didn’t vote immediately, he suggests that I vote first, and then proceeds to townread Merpy afterwards. The timeline doesn’t really hold up.

I can try.

I can’t.

I didn’t directly expect to beat the deep wolf here, they played well.

But I think this would have been a great town comeback, award winning even.

Oh uh let’s see. I’ll just rattle off some names:
Town of Salem
Among Us
Goose Goose Duck
Unfortunate Spacemen
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Project Winter
As you can probably tell, I really like social deduction games. They’re my favorite game genre! :sweat_smile:

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