Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

Here’s my simulation: Zorvo kills Demisha and expects Merpy to vote him quickly, like with yesterday. That’s the reason why he holds his vote. When Merpy didn’t vote immediately, he suggests that I vote first, and then proceeds to townread Merpy afterwards. The timeline doesn’t really hold up.

I can try.

I can’t.

I didn’t directly expect to beat the deep wolf here, they played well.

But I think this would have been a great town comeback, award winning even.

Oh uh let’s see. I’ll just rattle off some names:
Town of Salem
Among Us
Goose Goose Duck
Unfortunate Spacemen
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
Project Winter
As you can probably tell, I really like social deduction games. They’re my favorite game genre! :sweat_smile:

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I’m still gonna try to sway you though, I want us to win.

Magnus voted lol late, he also I believe was more in favour for Jorm execution.

I voted lol with Zenon from Vibes.

As you can tell I also got Zenon right through Vibes

So you’re mainly familiar with shortform (with short round) games, is that right?
I think that makes sense.

I voted Jormok on D3 when they got executed. I voted late on Lol D4.

I got Kiiruma right.

I got Jorm right.

I didn’t like Etha’s wolf read on me, so I wanted to see if I could get them to slip and TMI me town.

Can one day phase of behavior override your behavior for the game previously? I can’t say it does in good faith. Again, this passion can very easily be wolfy determination. What does this show me?

Did you get Jormok right? I thought you suggested voting them (I think I quoted that in my posts)

Idk man, I’m trying so hard.

And I will keep trying to the end.

I said I DID.
I town read Jorm but Etha called us both wolves and I wanted to prove her wrong.

It’s right there.

I really respect it, but based on what I have, you’re the best vote decision. All of this stuff makes sense from your perspective, but to me, it doesn’t feel like it proves you any more than Magnus

I had a clear suspicion on Merpy, I don’t know if it’s fair I had a clear intent to vote her. I made it clear that I don’t pounce on votes.

What do you mean by this?

You can read and reference any games on this site, or even off-site games, unless they are currently ongoing games. If a game has finished, you can talk about it.

Ah okay cool. Thank you! I have a feeling I won’t need to do that (more than I already had). I don’t think it’ll prove much in this current moment imo

Point is I not only vibed with you but I also mind melded, I felt your Genuineness.

I know you felt something I also know that’s probably not enough, you have stated as such.

You need evidence that I don’t know how to provide you.

If you voted Magnus how do you sway me?

It’d be hard. It is hard. I need to know how to sway you against the evidence against me.

Did you get the impression that I had a confirmed lock on voting your slot, and was primarily drilling into your play this game while ignoring Zorvo?

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Are you asking me how I would convince you to vote Magnus if you were in my shoes?