Mountainous AMQ - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS (2/15 Left) Thread 2

I mean obviously different games and stuff done but from what I was mentioning, it was the same general concept with You and Lol as Bean and Lol.

I’m not sure why you’re trying to convince me of anything.

I’m not.
I am making sure Merpy knows your argument is invalid here.

Merpy needs all the information she can get to figure out your the wolf.

The way you worded this made it sound like you were saying we pushed Etha together.

Same Context.

Nice Try wolf.
But I won’t let you make excuses.

Idk how to feel about these votes

Your lies I won’t allow.

Merpy needs to figure you out your wolf and I’ll make sure they find you by all costs

Anyway, here’s the timeline summary:
I played D1 like I was on an island, which was noted by a number of players as I came across as more “observant” than I usually did.


The final vote has me sketched out bc it was clear Etha was going over, so why hope on that vote? It feels like a last-minute attempt to get town credit imo. Zorvo’s voting has been chaotic, but I feel like Magnus voted with a purpose there if that makes sense. Again, they didn’t vote that entire day. They hopped on the vote after it already had majority. They also tried to get Litten on the chopping block

5 Minutes Remain

Magnus (1): Zorvo
Zorvo (1): Magnus

Not Voting (1): MerpyDerpy


Bean and Lol pushed Baker on the same day together, I pushed Etha EOD1 and Lol pushed SOD2. These aren’t the same.


Let’s bring a miracle, let’s take down this deep wolf together.

I had made it clear that I wanted Etha dead, even when I was voting Litten.
I’ll pull the source.

You still pushed regardless and I don’t have time TK fact check this.

Idk if I have enough time to see Magnus’ source


If you’re questioning my chaotic voting look everywhere on games I play.

My votes are ALWAYS like that or similar to


PLEASE vote Magnus.

I want this town win so badly.

I’m going to follow my gut on this one. I can’t rlly explain why I’m voting here aside from that. I’m sorry if I’m wrong:
VOTE: Magnus