Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

what about the second post stood out to you as ‘fine’ in your opinion?

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This deserves a vote I think. VOTE: Achro Not 100% set on Achro being a wolf yet, but this part of his wallpost is ringing alarm bells in my mind. After all, he learned last game that he does not have a godread on my wolfgame at all. It’s unnerving to see here that if he’s a villager, he learned nothing from last game. I expectdd better from you Achro.

There’s two different worlds I can see the possibility of.

1: Achro is a wolf that wants to pocket me.
2: Achro is claiming his godread on me is still intact to see how I react to him saying that it is.

He’s a skilled enough player to have realized he can’t read my wolfgame nearly as well as he thought he could after all.

I practically have a godread on Zenon too so I’m not worried about her slot right now.

Zorvo likely town.

We will.

Nope but thanks for the compliment. Arctic gets a townlean from me here. His paranoia feels real.

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The only thing I’m reading is my own posts. Multiple times. Then deleting them and writing a new one.

“im intimidated” + checking that they joined the site 3 days ago and giving off the vibes of a new-ish mafia player (could be wrong) made me feel like they probably wouldnt just admit to being intimidated as mafia here. so i probably townread it but im thinking about it more

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I also play master duel and I can confirm to everyone your telling the truth about it, even though I doubt people thought you were lying.


Want a bet then?
Whoever is removed from realm of living first, gets to chose the avatar of other person for a month.
Anything goes, kill, lynches, weird gambits etc. Tho that would require self-kill, lol

Ain’t no shot you just quoted my copy pasta instead of the OG post :skull:


hey doodle how long have u been playing mafia for?

Fuck that is interesting, I’ll budge.

VOTE: Achro

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Nah sorry to say Leafia I think you’re still very polarized, I just didn’t backread you at all until day 4.

Also Zorvo we’ve talked about this. You don’t kill Achro until Achro has a chance to die n1 it’s only polite.

Wolves, please kill Arctic first if both are town. I live Eevee’s pfp.

Straight mafia? Once in high school during video game club… Uh… A few times with guava within the last year.

what about gay mafia


What are you talking about?

leafia town imo. might be silly but somehow i feel like after she just fooled him last game she doesnt just scumread him like that now if he’s town, it feels like … way too audacious, somehow, to me

No comment.

I don’t know why your acting like 2 votes are gonna kill you but ok.

we could be wolf buddies and this is theater. be more paranoid.

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Wrong person

It’s the other way around.
The non-living person chooses the avatar of living.

Which might incentive other player not to kill you if mafia, to not let them chose your avatar.