Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Wolves, please kill Arctic first if both are town. I live Eevee’s pfp.

Straight mafia? Once in high school during video game club… Uh… A few times with guava within the last year.

what about gay mafia


What are you talking about?

leafia town imo. might be silly but somehow i feel like after she just fooled him last game she doesnt just scumread him like that now if he’s town, it feels like … way too audacious, somehow, to me

No comment.

I don’t know why your acting like 2 votes are gonna kill you but ok.

we could be wolf buddies and this is theater. be more paranoid.

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Wrong person

It’s the other way around.
The non-living person chooses the avatar of living.

Which might incentive other player not to kill you if mafia, to not let them chose your avatar.

skilled enough? maybe. humble enough? questionable
(please don’t kill me achro i love you really)

Why else would you specifically vote for me if not to go for my head? What were you hoping to accomplish with your follow up to Leafia’s logic?

I refuse to believe you’d think that of me after last game. Ihad you fooled until the second I flipped.

gotcha. u can have a townread sure. i think u admitting to being intimidated and admitting to only reading ur own posts is pretty funny and probably too brazen to come from mafia given ur comfort level with wolfing due to not that much experience

To apply pressure.

What have you done that would make me want to go for your head today?

Leafia I have a question.

If you had me fooled do you actually think I let Litten kill you and then go on to write fiction sentences talking about how sad I am.

Litten quoted stuff, I checked it out, and I was like “yeah but I am doing the bit until the end”

I can find the quote lol x)

What pressure are you exerting on me by voting me there? What will pressure do to me?

Not exactly a reason to townread mesince for all you know, Achro and I could be w/w.

ehhh sure. i dont wanna believe it to be honest but yeah i acknowledge everything could be

nah bro im totally wolf bro im gonna kill you so good and backflip bodyslam you into the grave