Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

"You guys aren’t friends at all…
You’re enemies out to kill each other."

That is the worse kill I ever fucking seen

I would like a few minutes to finish my thoughts. I was still typing during that preemptive hammer yesterday.

I had so much typed up and was likely gonna vote Deki today

Demi being the night kill? This is…interesting. Alright. I’ve got some theories. Let me cook (AKA don’t spike vote me while I’m typing thanks)

Legit I had this

It comes down to this:


Zenon said was Town.
Arctic and Kiiruma the members of Great Britain said was Wolf.
Etha and Lol both hard town read this slot without looking back, however Lol for some reason had added Demisha into their wolf reads only to have it disappear quite quickly. Legit was like town read, dropped down, town read and stayed like that.
Demi’s response to the “night kill” thing felt odd. Kinda felt Informed to me.
As I implied when I stated something like “scratching head”
Wolves also all played sorta suicidal like this game with like willingness to die.
Taking Etha and Lol for example, Demi also did that both recently and at the beginning stage of this game.
In post #2581
It looks like TMI that they didn’t want their partner voted on.
In post #2624
Demi said:
but do you really think Etha’s slot looks WORSE than Leafia’s?

Which clearly shows high resistance to the Etha wagon.


No one fully stated this slot was a wolf except for myself.
Etha put this slot as different alignment to Lol.
Jorm called this slot town as their final legacy read.
Lol and Merpy had back and fourth town and wolf reads, mainly wolf reads on each other up until the day of Lol’s execution where if I recall both had a townread on each other.
Merpy firsts votes of the game were both lol and Etha so if they are a wolf, wolves definitely planned to buss or at least distance to look unaligned.
Merpy started pushing me last day phase which as I said before if they are a wolf they got some guts making that move, respect.

I think looking at all this, I can find points both of these can be wolves simply from what Lol said.
HOWEVER I think Merpy is by far allot better in terms of posts and actions, I can’t really find much for them being the wolf which leads me to believe it’s probably just Demi.

I feel dumb how I always vote out who I don’t wanna vote out because I like want to vote out those I have the most suspicion on and I didn’t have the most of anything from Kiiruma and the only thing from Doodle that really stood out was the TvT shit, but I can’t seem to ever be anything but my vote in this game. Like who follows me? No one does.
If we lose this. I don’t know what to tell everyone.

It’s like clearly I’m not allowed to do what I want to do, I have to compensate because I am incompetent and lack self control. Look at what I’ve done this game and what I’ve voted. Most of my votes were on people I either town read or I wasn’t voting them because I suspected them the most but rather for another reason.
I don’t know how to lead an execution, I don’t know how to convince others to vote someone, so I just vote with others due to my pathetic behaviour.

However my early day votes have been fucking amazing
Refer to Day 2 Vote Count 3 and Day 3 Vote Count 6
Where I voted both wolves.

I try to redeem myself but I literally can’t.
I am fucking garbage when it comes to this, idk how to play this fucking game anymore, perhaps I just need to find a more closed less posting Playstyle.


If your town, know that I am also town.
I don’t blame you if you vote me, I would recommend at least looking through stuff first though.
I don’t even care if you wish to be a douche in post game by calling me an ass villager.
I’ve been trying to improve but clearly with all my yapping it’s probably not the best way to play.
Plus for more proof I am town, look at post #1083 where I convinced you to keep your vote on lol for pressure which is a good thing to do.
Even post #1117 shows it.
Post #3865
Is Another reason I am town.
I don’t do that mentioning shit as a wolf to both my partners lmao.
In post #3422 I said 4 names.
Litten, lol, Leafia and Etha.
2 of which are wolves.
Now tell me why I bother doing this as a wolf?

I think for future reference what I’ll probably do is post allot less and start caring what I post more.
Probably as of after this game I’ll try and change up my play more to not only look better but to make myself more readable and tolerable.
Still wanna take a break from FM, probably still will but I also want to improve my play at the same time.

Fun fact, I told myself when I got back I wouldn’t do this anymore, that I don’t need to show up as often and post as much, I should make myself readable and make people feel comfortable talking with me.
I suppose I’ll try again another time.

Would be nice to redeem myself from last game though and have lol lose this time as a wolf instead of beating me.

Like even if it’s Magnus like honestly man TF.
If you killed Merpy I still vote Demi

Here are my two cents:

I ended up shielding Demisha yesterday, and if I wanted her dead I had the perfect opportunity yesterday to do it. The fact that she died instead of me implies the last wolf didn’t predict her going over today, or else wanted to shift gears from one target to another. Because I should have died last night.

If Zorvo’s the last wolf, he killed Demisha because he didn’t want to continue pushing her today if v!Merpy was going to resume her suspicion from yesterday, which would force Demisha to return her vote. That leads to a loss. If w!Zorvo voted onto Merpy instead, it backtracks from his logical train of thought and leaves Demisha (his number one suspect yesterday) as kingmaker — which isn’t a scenario that w!Zorvo would want to find himself in.

If Merpy is the last wolf, she has kept me alive this entire game due to a pocket. She would’ve killed Tutuu instead of Litten because she didn’t know about his meta, and tried setting up a foundation to push onto v!Zorvo yesterday. Killing Demisha over myself makes sense through the lens that Demisha was adamant in townreading Zorvo but still had a tinfoil on her slot.

I don’t think there’s a scenario where either of you keep me alive through the night in order to push on my slot today.

I am engaging in the act of online tabletop roleplaying (D&D), so my thoughts will go out slowly. Rest assured, I shall take my time.

Dude is it actually you man?
You legit didn’t need to kill Demi to win.

You could have even probably killed me and Merpy probably votes Demi

You did try to account for this.

I should be dead but I’m not.

Explain why I do anything this game if I’m evil.

Bro you’ve both play extremely well.

Both of you.

Whoever one of you is a wolf, well fucking done.

You both played good for whoever is the wolf here

Honestly man it’s a coin flip

I was only planning to post another Danganronpa picture.

Magnus man, if it’s you though just note I’ll remember that you buss in the future

If it’s Merpy I’d like those questions answered