Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Honestly man it’s a coin flip

I was only planning to post another Danganronpa picture.

Magnus man, if it’s you though just note I’ll remember that you buss in the future

If it’s Merpy I’d like those questions answered

I’m just so fucking stunned it wasn’t Demi


Like you both would have the win 100% if either of you killed the other

I even had this shit typed out

Well GG, If Merpy is the wolf no one is to blame for the loss, after all I was the only one that ever had a solid wolf read on Merpy to begin with.

Merpy did a good job on not having any discriminating posts.

Although I kinda do Semi Blame Arctic for making me vote my villager reads because I felt he was trying to insult me being like “Oh you think you’re always right Zorvo, well you’re not!” So I blame him for me having my vote on both Jorm and Kiiruma.

Like you could have just told me “You do you and if you really think so then try to convince me” but he didn’t do it and clearly doesn’t want me to even attempt to convince him.

But other than that I don’t blame Arctic for anything else. I was just disappointed he irritated me enough to vote my own Townreads.

Sorry Demi but I just see allot more that points you to being a wolf then Merpy here although if it is Merpy, Merpy better answer me those questions I asked earlier that they didn’t want to ask because they “ain’t a wolf” or whatever their response was to it.

I was just expecting it to be Doodleshy.

Like this was my plan to vote Demi

I was probably never gonna change my mind

Like you guys dun fucked.

I could legit just flip a coin at this point.

The 100% chance whoever the wolf of you is can become 50%

The first question that came to my mind is the following: Why is Demi the night kill?
Let’s look at perspectives and why I think this could’ve happened.

I’ll start this with my own perspective since it is closest to me. You don’t have to take my word, but I wouldn’t kill Demi here. Demi was a very easy spike vote target imo since they had been the original push plan and barely lived. Also, to my understanding, Magnus trusts Zorvo more than they trust me, so I would rather not put myself in such a risky position (even for the sake of a wacky double bluff). Also, I’m very confident that Demi trusted me more than Zorvo. I think I would’ve been able to sway them into voting with me if it got to that point. Point is, the risk of killing Demi for wolf Merpy not worth the reward.

Next perspective I’ll cover is Zorvo since I was suspecting them earlier. Killing me would get them voted almost instantly. It feels too obvious. Especially since we agreed Magnus was a better target. I personally think this kill is a frame, and Zorvo is planning to vote me out. My proof?

I suspect this quote is going to segway into Zorvo claiming that “it was such a bad kill that I must be the killer” even though I literally said I would night kill Magnus very early on. As I stated earlier, I think Demi was a safer kill anyways for wolf Zorvo because Magnus seems to trust Zorvo more than me anyways. It would make sense.

Another possibility, and one that I find intriguing, is wolf Magnus. I can’t deny this possibility. I may have trusted Magnus this entire game, but I very easily could’ve been wrong. If Magnus is wolf, the Demi kills makes sense. Yes, Demi would be a valid vote target, but the back and forth between Zorvo and me is so strong that wolf Magnus would feel confident enough to sway us into voting the other person off. Wolf Magnus also would’ve been put in an awkward position when I suggested killing Doodle yesterday instead. I’ll be honest: I think if Doodle wasn’t voted off yesterday, I think I would’ve been the night kill. That’s beside the point though. In a world where Magnus is wolf, it would make sense that they wanted Demi out. It would be really awkward for them to night kill Demi, and it would cast suspicion on to them (like it has). Meanwhile, if Doodle is night killed, it wouldn’t have set off any red flags imo

I’m pretty sure regardless I am probably the vote so ima do what Demi was gonna do and I’ll probably make the first vote and it’ll probably be a coin toss because I don’t fucking know.

All I can say is Arctic was wrong to clear one of you

So was I

Unless it’s Merpy because I only cleared Merpy at the end

Honestly idk at this point it’s a coin flip.

If it’s you, I don’t know what you planned to gain from this kill.

If it’s Magnus, you probably vote me anyway

Maybe Magnus should make the first vote tbh