Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

IKR? my current stance on them does not follow my list, so I need to reeval my list personally.

I personally despise both the terms ā€œlynchā€ and ā€œscumā€ so I get it

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@tutuu do you still scumread them?

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I like to use wolf and execution and stuffs.

I unironically like that you are reading so much into a throw away joke that people liked xD

Yay yay yay I need more friends. Especially the kind that will annoy me and distract me from my loneliness xD but I want all the fwens

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i felt like these posts were towny from drinks on gut, but the reality is itā€™s not strong enough to warrant an actual townread and i hate being that guy who tries shutting down wagons when i have nothing better to suggest really


It screams doodle town to me. I know doodle well enough to know that this is a doodle town thing to do.

apologies, after my burst of posting in the first 24 hours my mood rapidly changed to a bit of an apathy, nothing at all related to this game, u are all great and game is great. ill wait for tomorrow to muster up energy and ill start playing seriously again. as of right now i cant give a good / educated answer. ill keep in mind for tomorrow

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@drinks you are gonna die if you donā€™t stop dying can you do sometnint about not dying

This happens to me too, I get that! Hope it gets better okay? Hope that energy comes back!

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Yeah Iā€™m the anime gif gorl and I mostly do the positivity thing Iā€™ve gotten away from that lately though and I can get extremely toxic in games and delve deep into AtE. I try not to butā€¦ yeah Iā€™m not a good person

No point to read me good if you donā€™t have any other path of action :person_shrugging:

This is either Drinks wolf. Or Drinks doing a weird thing as town that is not gonna work. Willing to bet on wolf, wonā€™t be surprised if wrong though.

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@Litten This is why I donā€™t think defending myself is productive, if youā€™re convinced I just removed an option you had.

No I will not actually bet

What does this even mean

Can I be on the other side of the bet I want a consolation prize?

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