Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

i am deeply unsettled by the game state now


This girl really knows how to pocket me

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Am I being pocketed?

Ah fuck it doubting myself leads to bad results.

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What’s up? wanna talk about it?

Where wolves

Like sure drink can be a wolf but who else

It’s Leafia I give it a 50/50 shot of being true if she’s a wolf lol

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EOD is in like… 2ish hours? Maybe they plan to show up later on? Like in that 1 hour margin?

Who do you mean by they?

I don’t see a direct connection between “Vote Drinks” vs “Stop voting Leafia”.
I read this as an easy path that people would agree on, not that it actually does much for the game.

Doesn’t advance the game in any meaningful way, if you have divisive people you’re willingly leaving in favor of “This is easier to negotiate on”

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They, Using that plural for this. Seeing as is a group

Sames it’s crippling but I still wanna read your thoughts even if you doubt them and they change I can read into that progression to find you

I assumed you meant “Where wolves” as in, Where are the wolves, why are they not posting.

i meant who wolves
where is kinda like
looking around

I know my special tea is locking in town core reads to FX

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Get back in line this is my read

OH! That changes things. I plan on redoing my list after EOD to get a better grip going into SOD2

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The reason I was unsettled is Dem was being townie which throws a whole wrench into who wolves
and tutuu wanted to push me and dem

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I actively refuse to use the word lynch so much so I won’t call it lylo anymore

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