Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I can’t even put into words how hilarious this was to read


I’ll play your game.
Let’s play rock paper scissors.
If I win you become the wagon today.
If I lose ill sheep vote you on Drinks.
You start.

zirbo how the fuck are you going to play rock paper scissors taking turns


Haters be hating :pensive:

I agree with this actually tbh.

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There’s a clear and obvious plan to power wolf the fuck out of this game while distancing from each other if I’m right so like…

Uh, no? Like I don’t care whatever shit you’re on, my guy.

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Turn-based RPS is a fair and balanced game. Since Litten has challenged Doodle, they should take the first move!


Let’s not, and say we didn’t.

When did I do this

Easy! whatever they pick I’ll pick the one that beats them! :crazy_face:

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i know how zirbo and doodle can play rock paper scissors. using likes on old posts. but im unsure if its against the rules to communicate things with likes

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Now, I don’t see you declining any challenges :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I was never challenged

I’m gonna blindly tunnel and never explain why now

aw :(

I love you so much

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it is unfortunately
…i think

usually likes get disabled at night for this reason

This is all I ever want I’m easy to please

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