Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I also love you xD

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Like you can try so hard to push on me, but I think most people here would tell you I really canā€™t be anything other than town. Which, I understand me saying that makes me even more sus probably, but likeā€¦ At worst Iā€™m null.


Iā€™m night killing the player who has the post with the most likes in this thread


This is my penalty for alt tabbing.

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locktown :blush:

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Donā€™t say stuff like this, It makes you more sus probably, but likeā€¦ at worst youā€™re null.

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This guy gets it.

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this thread is evidence we should kill leafia

The reasoning to go off from Leafia passed me in the first place.

Is it because Iā€™m obv town and ruining your attempt to get me killed?

lol made a post about how lukundo said his piss was green while they were watching sumo together and i think this points towards leafia being mafia


15 more minutes until likesā€¦ I feel so muted

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I blame Merpy.

I am nothing if not god tier pocketer and bubbly magical girl

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As long as I get info, I donā€™t really care who dies here today, honestly. Iā€™d prefer Drinks or Leafia, but if some crazy shit happens, at least let me get info.

I have missed out on this saga what

SO certain account tiers have amounts of likes, I am like capped. so for 2 hours no more likes. I am 15 minutes out of getting them back.

They added super-reacts to fol no way :skull: