Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Me too I really need to go catch up on another game that ends in 45 minutes so fuck

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i have no plans to read Etha posts before son btw

No but Iā€™m also not not sure.

Alright guys Iā€™ll hard claim.

So remember how I claimed Arsonist to Zenon?

Itā€™s legit and Iā€™m currently set to Zenon as the douse.

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My top 2 town reads are voting Etha, so I am going to follow suit:
(I am sorry if this is the wrong choice) ;-;
VOTE: Etha

This will be fun

My God Read of Leafia vs the field.


smh, not my top town! Donā€™t you burn her! Thatā€™s evil!

holy shit. i just wanna give a townread and wrap it up

I see how it is.

Couldnā€™t vote with your third top town, smh.

Never why are you trying to kill towns Zorvo

are you really asking zirbo this

Zorvo CFD When?

Who says all of the people named arenā€™t all town?

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I hate the Etha bandwagon.

Who says Etha, Drinks and Leafia even contain a wolf?

im struggling to keep my attention and focus and brain power sorry this isnt easy. i feel my head drifting and i need to combat it to keep paying attention. and like its difficult lol. earlier it was so much easier for me to make reads and think

Zirbo just named the entire scum team

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