Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Why are you pointing this out >.< It doesn’t help my outlook of your slot I feel like this was already something everyone knew about (especially with how insistent Leafia has been about deciding who the D2 exe is off of her D1 exe (which btw I don’t think you have majority consensus that’s gonna follow whatever you ask))

Not trying to be mean about it, it’s just that this looks partnery to me and it lines up with my previous theory x.x

Right now.

VOTE: Zorvo


Meh I revealing disagree. Self voting is only excusable in certain situations in my opinion because the only player you know the alignemt of is yourself and you should be protecting that but I’m a hypocrite who self votes a lot.

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What does CFD mean?

bet VOTE: Zorvo

Zenon literally compared this game to a game where Zenon forced her to self vote.

I feel that’s relevant information to counter her read lmao.


Chinese Fire Drill.

Basically a wagon switch last minute

honestly like I will reevaluate with flips but like my game State read is that most people are town and we should be killing the people who aren’t town which is why leafia must perish sorry

Imagine thinking I just don’t feed leafia lines all day 1 to make her seem super towny like I did before


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Or rather last hour but minute sorta feel and can be done within a minute or at the minute mark.

Me putting the wrong name obvs lol I meant Zorvo not you

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this goes incredibly hard

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You have a vote.

i am not using it yet

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Vote Count

Leafia (4): Arctic, Leafia, Demisha, Doodleshy
Etha (4): Magnus, Achromatic, tutuu, MerpyDerpy
Zorvo (2): Zorvo, Jormok
Drinks (1): Etha
MerpyDerpy (1): lol

Not Voting (3): Zenon, Litten, Drinks

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You’re great btw.

and it is something u should generally never do its pretty bad. people do it coz they can be chaotic / energetic but its not a good town strategy. well maybe in mountainious is not the worst. but pls yell at people who do it in games with power roles

Just sheep me


Let’s sheep @Litten instead.