Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

VOTE: Litten

Doodle or Demisha or Arctic is next for me tbh.

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Maybe not Arctic but he needs to pull town out of his ass today if he wants to get back up since he dropped.

Basically if heā€™s town he needs to show it more today.

not doodle please

demisha depending on litten

arctic needs to chop a wolf. i approve holding him under scrutiny


So Drinks isnā€™t innocent could be guilty?

I donā€™t give them the ā€œnew players passā€ I donā€™t give anyone that.

They can easily be town sure but this is another day I wasnā€™t too fond of something they did.

Why is Doodle town?

im ride or die with zirbo, zenon, merpy, doodle

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Iā€™m still unsure on Zenon.

She has the slot I could have had if I chosen not to backup.

man tutuu is posting super well regardless of littenā€™s alignment
if sheā€™s a wolf this game i doubt iā€™m gonna find herā€¦ i hope she isnā€™t tricking me


Not the reason Iā€™m unsure but a reason I am paranoid.

Big agree

Iā€™m still pretty confident Zenon is town, literally all of her posts yesterday felt lacking of agenda interests

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Can you provide your own take.
Show your town.

Whatā€™s your take on the situation in terms of who YOU would want to vote?

Would you vote Litten with them?

I thought you wolf read them at one point?

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Iā€™m enlightened now.

I feel like with how youā€™re questioning me and how deadset you are on trying to kill me, there really isnā€™t an answer I can give you that will please you.

Iā€™ll just quote that and leave it be.

At first which I addressed multiple times, I thought she was initially just making presence for the sake of making presence commenting on other peopleā€™s reads way too briefly and posting standalone gifs which was then proved to be just Zenon meta

u should consider either giving new player pass or just adjusting this policy a bit. you shouldnt hold new players to the same standard, i dont see why not

in that specific case u didnt catch doodle in a contradiction. it wasnt a phoenix write ace attorney ā€œobjectionā€ moment. with the ā€œdid u say town or not townā€. i advise just brushing off things like that, it didnt look important to me

doodle for me was pure start of d1, they admitted to being overwhelmed, felt sincere. they also felt sincere to achro and zenon

also i believe we should take a look at achroā€™s last readlist. let me find it


iā€™ve been caughtā€¦


I think Iā€™m in support of Zorvo and Merpy. The former because heā€™s in-line with his villager meta and the latter because she feels pure, doesnā€™t feel lost which is surprising given itā€™s her second game on this site.
Zenon makes sense but Iā€™m not as confident in that read, given her behaviour at EOD. Why Doodle?

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